Year 5 Homework 14.7.23


  1. variety

  2. vegetable

  3. vehicle

  4. yacht

  5. exaggerate

  6. sufficient

  7. physical

  8. prejudice

  9. awkward

  10. committee

  11. environment

  12. mischievous

    Mrs Mathers group


Debate time

The children have been split into 2 groups and they will have to prepare arguments to put forward for their debate. Children are to come up with reasons for their argument and use research to help support their team. The question is ‘Should homework be banned?’ The groups for this are;

For argument (homework should be banned)

Lily-Mae Rosa

Christian Ruby-Lilly

Emilia Anncia

Nicola Evan

Max Iris

Dominic Leon

Tabby Owen

Against argument (homework shouldn’t be banned)

Stanley Angel

Connor-Sean Leo

Harvey Millie

Daisy Edi

Jay Matilda

Georgia Alex

Molly-Ann Charlie
