Year 3 Weekly Blog 08.9.23 - ‘Work hard, be kind and amazing things will happen.’

What a wonderful first week we have had, it was lovely to see the children come into the classroom excited and eager to learn on Monday morning, we know its not easy getting up early and getting back into school after the summer break. The children have returned to school full of enthusiasm for the year ahead. Already they are growing to be curious and active learners, our school virtues for this half term. On Thursday we went to church to celebrate Our Lady’s birthday. The children were so reverent during Mass and such role models for the school. It really has been a lovely first week!

We’ve made a great start on our English topic - Paddington Bear. The children have used word hippo and dictionary to find the meaning of new words we’ve come across in the first chapter of the book. On Friday, we reread the first chapter making notes then did the same with the film version - we used our notes to makes comparisons. I wonder if the children could tell you some of the similarities and differences.

In Maths we have been using strategies to add 3 numbers together, we’ve been writing equations, drawing cherry diagrams and using number lines. We have also started learning about Time and have learned how to read roman numerals to VII. The children loved being code breakers and working out the patterns the romans had come up with.

In PE we focused on our catching skills, taking part in team games that required us to jump, aim and dash with our team mates.

In science the children were challenged to build a human skeleton! We had some great team work and problem solving.

Despite the toasty weather, we ventured on a chilly expedition to the Arctic, as we began our new Geography topic. The children learned about the different countries in the Arctic Circle and used Atlas’s to locate the countries on a world map. We were so impressed with the children’s curious questions about the Arctic and their enthusiasm to learn more about this incredible part of God’s world.

Our computing topic is Online Safety. On Wednesday, in small group the children were asked to sort familiar apps, games and website into their correct age ratings. The children were very surprised that learn that most social media sites have an age rating of 13 plus. We also thought about the ways we used the internet at school and at home and made concept maps on purple mash.

We had our first Kidsafe lesson today and talked all about Yukky feelings and trust. We revisit Kidsafe each year as the messages are so important. After each lesson, a letter will be uploaded to the blog, giving your more information on the themes covered so that you can talk about them together at home.


Isaac, you have certainly started the new school year as you mean to go on! You have been snapping your Cooper Crab claws everyday, with impeccable focus and determination to grow your brain. We were so impressed with your Geography learning this week and how you challenged yourself to use and Atlas. Well done Isaac, we are so excited to see where Year 3 takes you.

Rosa, you have had an amazing first week back in school. You have come into school with not only a huge smile but a fantastic learning attitude. Every lesson you have been focused and ready to learn. It has been a pleasure to teach you .What a great start Rosa, you should be very proud.


  • Please fill in the medical and consent forms opposite.

  • Swimming will begin this Thursday; a letter has been sent home today about goggles.

  • We would like to welcome you all for a visit into our classroom afterschool on Wednesday 13th September. We would really like it if your child could show you around their new classroom and learning areas. All of our year 3 team will be here, giving us the wonderful opportunity to answer any questions you may have. In the mean time, please take a look at the Year 3 presentation below, filled with lots of essential information for the year ahead.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Naylor, Mrs Marshall and Mrs Connolly