Year 3 Weekly Blog 15.9.23 - ‘Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.’

The time is flying by, what a fantastic week we’ve had in year 3. Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to Alice and Mia-Grace for being “Curious and Active.” The children have taken time this week to reflect on God’s Creations, we looked again at the story of creation told so beautifully in verse, in the book God’s brilliantly big creation story by Dai Woolridge. We thought carefully about things we need and things they enjoy, then took time to write a prayer to thank God for his amazing gifts. We will be sharing these prayers in our child led class worship each week. The children have spent time this week planning their class worships, they have chosen stories from the Bible to share and have planned to sing their favourite hymns. Next week our worship will be led by Ava, Myles and Bea.

In English we have continued reading Paddington bear and made comparisons between the book and the film. The children were great at spotting the similarities and differences. The children have enjoyed reading chapter 2 - A bear in hot water and have written a summary of the chapter. We’ve also been looking at clauses, identifying verbs and subjects. It’s been great to see the children taking ownership and self editing their work with their purple pencils.

In Maths we have continued adding 3 numbers together, thinking about the number bonds we know that can help us calculate more effectively. We have continued our learning of time this week and have been learning to tell the time in 5 minute intervals. The more conversations you can have about time at home, the better!

The children did Our Lady’s proud at swimming this week. They all completed a mini swimming assessment so that they could be grouped accordingly. We were so impressed with the children’s enthusiasm and support for their class mates. It was wonderful to see them all having a go, no matter their confidence in the water. I wonder if over the week the children can practise getting dressed as fast as they can? Why not challenge them to be ready in 5 minutes with a timer?

Our computing lesson, Fact or fiction, was all about spotting fake or “spoof” websites on the internet. We looked at an article together all about Christopher Columbus - straight away the children spotted that something wasn’t right. They were challenged to find out if the information we had been given was true or false. Using skills learnt in our year 2 lessons, the children were able to verify information using reputable website and feedback their findings to the class. We also had a go at creating our own spoof webpages on Purple Mash, they had great fun making up stories of fire breathing dragons visiting St Annes and schools being invaded by trolls!

In science the focus this week was on joints and how our bodies move. The children were able to identify and locate the 3 types of joint in their bodies - hinge joint, ball and socket joint and gliding joint. I wonder if they could tell you where they are? The children’s enthusiasm in our science lessons is so impressive, they are such a joy to teach.

In geography this week, the children learned all about the Arctic climate. We explored how the tilt of the earth has a huge impact in the winter months and thought about whether or not we would like to live in the Arctic.

We had our second Kidsafe lesson today and talked all about bullying and saying ‘NO!’. The session letter can be found opposite.

Thank you so much to all of you that joined us at our Induction Evening. It was lovely to talk to you all and to see the children’s proud faces as they showed you around their new classroom. Thank you to those who left us questions and suggestions, we will answer all of these for you in next week’s blog.


Hugo, It has been a joy to teach you this week, you have been a real Tommy Turtle, being courageous and brave when faced with the new challenges of year 3 and the juniors. Even when you’ve been unsure you have tried your very best and shown that trying your best turns to success. We are so proud of you.

Phoebe, you have been bursting with curiosity this week. We have been so impressed with your questions in Geography and how you have been thinking deeply across the curriculum. We’ve loved how you’ve been sharing your ideas and listening to other’s thoughts attentively too. Well done Phoebe!


  • Please fill in the medical and consent forms, if you are yet to do so. Apologies for the link not working earlier in the week.

  • The children will be going to the library on the 28th September to change their books. We will be leaving school at 2pm and would be very grateful of some extra adult support. If you are free, please can you email Mrs Marshall.

  • To support their learning in science and geography, the children will be going to Manchester Museum on Friday 13th October, we will let you know when this in on Parentpay.

  • Annual Flu Vaccination: This vaccination is recommended to help protect your child against flu. Flu can be an unpleasant illness and can cause serious complications. Vaccinating your child will also help protect more vulnerable family and friends by preventing the spread of Flu. There may be a rebound in Flu levels this coming winter following low levels in the past 2 years. The vaccination is free and is a quick, simple, painless spray up the nose. Please complete the online consent form. If you DO NOT wish your child to be vaccinated for whatever reason please complete the form stating NO and the reasons. The unique code is BP119627

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Naylor, Mrs Marshall and Mrs Connolly