Year 3 Weekly Blog 19.1.24 - Reading is the gateway for children that makes all other learning possible - Barack Obama

This week the children have spent time planning their class worships, in groups the children have chosen one of the school virtues to be the focus of their worship, written their own prayers, chosen a reading from the Bible and selected their favourite hymns to sing with the class. The children have taken ownership and really look forward to our Wednesday morning worships. Jackson, Rosa and Scarlett will lead our worship on Wednesday 24th January and will be our prayer monitors next week.

We have spent time talking about how were are going to “shine our lights” this year. What could we do to help and guide those around us? What qualities do we have that could shine and make a difference? The children have thought about what they could do and added their rays to our lighthouse in the school worship area.

In English we have continued our work on The Iron man, the children used description from the book and the poem to draw what they thought the Iron Man looked like. We picked out descriptive language in chapter one about the cliff and the beach and wrote our own similes.
On Thursday afternoon we visited St Annes library, all children have chosen a book to bring home. The library has politely asked us to remind you that some children still have library books at home from our last visit - please can these books be returned to the library. We will be visiting the library again in the summer term.

In Maths we have been calculating a whole from a given number of parts and have started writing fractions as notations. We have used the stem sentence: the whole has been divided into 3 equal parts, one of the parts is shaded. We will only be looking at unit-fractions this half term, meaning the numerator is always 1.

The children have been composing their own emails in computing - we talked about how we can use the address book to search for our friends email addresses….the children were shocked to hear that when I was a little there wasn’t email and my address book was a paper book! We had a good chat about how much things have changed, they couldn’t believe the first mobile phones didn’t have the capacity to email and the screens were like calculator screens!

In Geography we have learned about the physical geography of Italy and have talked about the elevation of the Alps and the Appennines. The children used atlases and maps to locate the River Po and sketch it onto their own map. They then identified the nearby regions and cities, as well as the source and mouth of the river.

In RHE, we discussed how what we see in the media doesn’t always tell us the truth. Sometimes what we see can make us feel bad about ourselves. We spoke about how we have to remind ourselves of the real truth: God made us and loves us just as we are. As always we reinforced our learning of yukky feelings and speaking to a trusted grown up whenever we need to.

The focus of our music lessons this half term is ballads - the children have listened to a range of ballads and picked out their features. We listened to David Bowie’s Space Oddity and broke the song down bit by bit to help us understand the story before putting it in a storyboard. Once we knew the story, the children split into groups and were assigned different parts of the song. In their groups, the children thought about how they could add actions and then performed their part with actions to the class.

Thank you for ensuring our children had hats and gloves this week for our PE lesson, they were definitely needed in the cold weather we have had this week.


Phoebe - Phoebe, you have thrown yourself into all of your learning this week, with a determination to grow your brain…no matter what! You make the most of every school day and never waste an opportunity to be brave and to have a go. Your growth mindset is contagious and encourages your class friends (and your teachers too), to always try their very best! Well done Phoebe!

Louisa - Louisa it has been lovely to see you working co-operatively with your learning partners this week. We have noticed you being helpful and considerate, finding ways to support your partner whilst always making sure you are completing your work too. You are a great learning partner and a great friend. Well done Louisa!

This weeks lunchtime role model is George L and marvelous manners was awarded to Anna.

This half term’s virtues are eloquent and truthful.

Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to Fletcher and Alana.


  • Swimming Lessons - Lessons will now be on a Tuesday morning, children should be in school at 8.30am giving us time to get the the YMCA and change before our 9am lesson.

  • Headlice - We have had some little visitors in class. Please can you check your child’s head for headlice and treat if necessary. Thank you.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Naylor, Mrs Marshall, Miss Slater and Mrs Ely