Jackson, Rosa and Scarlett led our worship on Wednesday, the theme was love. They read the story of The Chosen 12 Matthew 4:10 and had chosen Mary did you know? and All glory Lord and honour for us to sing as a class. It was lovely to hear the children share prayer they had written, Scarlett asked the class to pray for her Great Grandma who is in hospital.
Next week’s worship will be led by Heath, Liam and Nathan.
We have had another wonderful week of learning in Year 3. In RE we have spoken about God’s Kingdom…What is it? Where is it? How do we get there? Can anyone be in God’s Kingdom? The children thought carefully about what is in God’s Kingdom and how they can spread God’s kingdom in their everyday day acts. They were able to record the behaviours, characteristics and intentional acts in God’s Kingdom and those that we won’t. It was lovely to hear that the children recognised so many positives in each other and could see how they were contributing to God’s Kingdom.
In English we have finished reading chapter 2 of The Iron Man. We have been detectives and answered true or false questions about what we have read, then found evidence in the text to back up our answers. We have also started thinking about how we adapt the story when we are writing our own. The children have chosen who or what their main character will be, drawn them and labeled them with descriptive phrases and similes.
In Maths we have continued writing fraction notations and are making brilliant progress! The children have been challenging themselves by identifying fractions in different contexts e.g in groups of objects, 3d shapes and lego stacks. Their resilience and enthusiasm is wonderful!
Art - Over the last couple of weeks the children have studied the work of Lois Mailou Jones and worked extremely hard with Mrs Neves in their art lesson to produce some amazing African masks.
In Geography we learned about how volcanoes erupt and discovered what happened to the city of Pompeii when Mount Vesuvius erupted. The children got to hold some real volcanic rock (all the way from Mount Vesuvius itself) and thought about the impact the eruption would have had on the city and the environment. The children’s enthusiasm and curiosity during this lesson was second to none! Well done Year 3!
In RHE, we thought about thankfulness. Through drama we identified behaviours that are wrong, unacceptable, unhealthy or risky. We talked about how feelings and actions are different things and that sometimes our feelings may want us to act in an inappropriate way. We can make good choices by shining our light, building resilience and choosing to be thankful.
The children have been apprentice electricians in our science lesson, they were challenged to make a circuit a light a bulb with no instructions. There was some great problem solving and all teams were successful. They went on to draw a label their circuits using the correct symbols like real life electricians.
Jackson - Jackson, we have been so impressed with your focus and determination to learn this week. You are getting better and better at managing your distractions and giving your learning the attention it deserves. Keep it up Jackson, we know you can!
Louie - you have been such a busy Bobby Bee this week. It’s been wonderful to see you so focused and enthusiastic in our lessons. There has been a huge shift in your mindset this half term and it’s great to see you stretching your brain and producing some fantastic work. Keep it up Louie, we’re so proud of you!
This weeks lunchtime role model is Lettie and marvelous manners was awarded to Nathan.
This half term’s virtues are eloquent and truthful.
Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to George L and Hugo.
Trip to Ribchester Roman Museum - On Friday 23rd February the children will be visiting Ribchester Roman Musuem. This will be the perfect introduction to our History topic, the Roman impact on Britain. The children will get to explore the roman remains and even try on some armour! Payment is now on ParentPay and is £17. We kindly ask that this is paid by the 16th February.
Art - Reminder - please ensure your child has an old top/ tshirt in school to wear during their art lessons to protect their uniform.
Headlice - We have had some little visitors in class. Please can you check your child’s head for headlice and treat if necessary. Thank you.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs Naylor, Mrs Marshall, Miss Slater and Mrs Ely