Year 3 Weekly Blog 9.2.24 - Happiness is seeing the smile on a child’s face as they learn.

The first half of Spring Term has flown by. Despite the weeks being short, the amount of learning that has happened has been huge! The children are now half way through their school year and should be immensely proud of the progress they have made and the wonderful things they have achieved. Class Worship was led by Joseph, Martha and Bea this week, their chosen theme was love. We listened to Our Father in Heaven (Matthew 6-7, Luke 6) and had a great class discussion about compassion, what it means and how we have shown compassion or experienced someone showing us compassion. The children sang Sing Hosanna before listening to the prayers written by Bea, Joseph and Martha. We closed our worship by singing My Lighthouse complete with some very enthusiastic actions. I think our shared worship on Wednesday morning may be one of our favourite times of the week, thank you to Joseph, Martha and Bea for leading it so beautifully, you will be our Prayer monitors for the rest of the week and at the start of next half term. Our first worship after half term will be led by Lucia, Mia-Grace and Rodnie.

In RE, we talked about miracles and what they were and weren’t! Miracles are not magic or an illusion, miracles are about God’s power and the faith people have in him. We listened to The Centurion’s Servant (Mark 6) and how the Centurion had faith in Jesus, in the same way that the people had faith in Jesus when he cured the paralytic (Matthew 9:1-8). As a class we were able to recall many of Jesus’ miracles. The common factor in each story was faith.

In English the children have worked extremely hard on their Iron Man adapted stories, they have put together all the skills taught this half term and produced some writing they should be really proud of. Next half term we will be looking at tri-fold information leaflets - if you come across any freebie leaflets on your travels over half term it would be great if they could be brought into school for us to unpick!

In Maths, the children have been constructing a whole from a given number of parts and solving unit-fraction problems. They have impressed us so much this half-term with their enthusiasm and resilience for fractions. After the break we will begin looking at non-unit fractions. I have no doubt the children will rise to the challenge with a smile.

In Geography, we have been learning about Italian culture. From cuisine, to family, to religion, the children researched aspects of Italian culture and created their own fact file, bursting with information. We celebrated and consolidated our learning of Italy on Friday, by sharing what we had discovered about Pompeii and more specifically why Mount Vesuvius erupted. The effort the children have gone to further their learning was exceptional. Thank you for embracing the key learning of ‘communicating geographically’, with them and clearly practising talking about how volcanoes erupt at home.

Tuesday was Safer Internet Day, however we have dipped in and out of it all week. We’ve had some interesting and informative conversations about games, apps and websites children in our class are accessing. The children were shocked that content many of them are accessing is unsuitable for their age range. More information on recommended age rating can be found online here.
We watched a live BBC lesson on artificial intelligence and how it is used to suggest and control what we see on the internet.

It was also Children’s Mental Health week this week - as a class we spoke about what matters to us, we recognised that what matters to us may not be the same as what matters to someone else, but this doesn’t make it any less important. We talked about taking care of ourselves, not just physically but mentally and thought about ways we can do this.


As we have made it half way through Year 3, the children voted for a girl and a boy who they are proud of and want to celebrate.

Scarlett, your class friends want to celebrate the wonderful progress you have made so far in Year 3. Year 3 have described you as focused learned, who is kind all of the time and a great listener. They think you are sensitive, honest, jolly and always happy to help. We couldn’t agree more Scarlett. Thank you for making our classroom such a happy place to learn and grow together!

Rodnie, your class friends want to celebrate the wonderful progress you have made so far in Year 3. Year 3 have described you as focused learned, who is wise and a fantastic listener. You sit smartly in class and are always kind and generous. We couldn’t agree more Rodnie! Thank you for making our classroom such a happy place to learn and grow together!

We would also like to celebrate Heath. Heath over the last couple of weeks, we have noticed what a fantastic learning partner you have been, it’s been lovely to see you giving encouragement and support to your friends in lessons. This half term we have spoken lots about the qualities we have and how we can let them shine to help and guide others and your light is shining so bright. We’re proud of you Heath – keep shining!

This weeks lunchtime role model is Joseph and marvelous manners was awarded to Martha.

This half term’s virtues are eloquent and truthful.

Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to Rosa and Alice.


  • Trip to Ribchester Roman Museum - On Friday 23rd February the children will be visiting Ribchester Roman Musuem. Payment is now on ParentPay and is £17. We kindly ask that this is paid by the 16th February. Children should come to school in their school uniform, dressed appropriately for the weather. We suggest wearing trainers so that they are comfortable and steady when exploring the roman remains. We will leave and return to school within the school day.

  • Art - Reminder - please ensure your child has an old top/ tshirt in school to wear during their art lessons to protect their uniform.

  • Parents evening - Wednesday 13th March & Wednesday 20th March, 10 minute appointments are now able to be booked online here - School Cloud

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Naylor, Mrs Marshall, Miss Slater and Mrs Ely