Year 3 Weekly Blog 1.3.24 - Spring showers bring May flowers!

It was lovely to see so many of you at our Book Look on Thursday, it was clear to see how excited the children were to share their work with you and I am sure you will agree the children have been working so hard and are making great progress. As we are at the half way point through the academic year, we will now be looking at what the children need to do to achieve their goals by the end of the year. Next week the children will be setting themselves targets that they would like to achieve in English and in Maths.

Our Class Worship was led by Ava, Ellie-Rose and Myles, they read The three wise men (Matthew:2) and chose the hymn, Shine Jesus Shine, for us to sing together. Thank you for leading our class worship, you will be our prayer monitor until next week. Next week’s class worship will be lead by George C, Isaac and Phoebe.
We are sure you will agree the children behaved beautifully in church this morning, thank you to those who were able to join us for Mass. Next week we will be starting to practise our Easter Worship - we will be reenacting the Last Supper, the children will be bringing lines home to practise this week.

This week in our English lesson we wrote a letter of applicatin for a job as a Roman History researcher, we all felt we would be ideal candidates after our visit to Ribchester Roman Museaun last week. We havealso been fact finders. We have watched a short clip about The Romans and recorded information we had learnt from the clip in our English books. You can see the clip here.

In Maths, we have been writing non-unit fractions and have had lots of practise saying these fractions aloud. The children are continuing to make great progress with their times tables, but frequent practise needs to happen to maintain fluency.

In computing, the children created their own branching databases on purple mash to sort fruits and vegetables. They asked questions like - Is it green? Does it have to be peeled to eat it? Does it grow on a tree? This built on the ‘yes and no’ questions that we had practised last week.

Music -We listened to ‘Jasmine Flower’, a traditional Chinese melody played on violin, zither & harp. We played pentatonic scales on glockenspiels and then tried our hand at pentatonic melodies.

We’ve done lots of history this week! We learned about why Claudius invaded and whether he invaded for the same reasons as Caesar. The children read reasons for and against invading Britain. As advisors, they tried to convince Claudius of what he should do. The arguments against invading were very convincing, however Claudius couldn’t be dissuaded from an invasion…

On Friday the Romans landed on British soil. The children were Celtic spies and had to decide whether or not they should take on the roman army or flee. In groups the children spied on the soldiers and learned all about their artillery, entry, legionary, tactics and training.


Ellie-Rose - you have been buzzing around the classroom all week; your enthusiasm for learning is wonderful! Your eagerness to learn has not gone un-noticed and we’ve seen you working beautifully with others too. We are so proud of your efforts and positive attitude. Well done Ellie-Rose!

Lucia - your focus this week in maths has been amazing! You have made the most of every learning opportunity and have been a role model to all of your class friends. You are listening beautifully, following the lesson and this is showing in your independent work. Well done!

This weeks lunchtime role model is Bea and marvelous manners was awarded to Hugo.

This half term’s virtues are compassionate and loving.

Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to Lena and Albert.


  • Mrs Marshall Maternity Leave - Today is my last day teaching in Year 3. Unfortunately I am having to go on maternity leave a little earlier than planned (hence the short notice). I have had a wonderful final two days teaching this week. I will forever be grateful for having the opportunity to teach your wonderful children for a second time. They are all MAGIC. Thank you for your continued support; it has been a pleasure to work alongside you all to help your children achieve their very best. Mrs Naylor will now be teaching 5 days a week and I will be sure to visit with my little girl very soon!

  • World Book Day - Thursday 7th March - Children are welcome to come dressed as their favorite book character. We would like the children to bring in a ‘magical’ object that could inspire a story. This could be anything…

  • Parents evening - Wednesday 13th March & Wednesday 20th March, 10 minute appointments are now able to be booked online here - School Cloud

  • Polite Reminder - We are a ‘nut free’ school - this includes packed lunches, a number of children have had nutella sandwiches this week, not only an unhealthy choice but this also goes against our ‘nut free’ policy that is in place to protect children in our school who have severe allergies.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Naylor, Mrs Marshall, Miss Slater and Mrs Ely