Year 3 Weekly Blog 27.3.24 - ‘This is my body, which is broken for you: do this in remembrance of me.’

Easter Worship and Reflections
As a whole school community we have witnessed reenactments of the events of Holy week, it has been an emotional week, starting with the celebrations of Palm Sunday with Year 2 right up to the Resurrection this morning with Year 6. We have spent some time each day reflecting on what we have witnessed, thinking about the thoughts and feelings of Jesus and those around him.
After half term, our first Class Worship will be led by Alice, Lena and Louie.

This week’s learning:

I’ve been really impressed with the children’s learning in maths this week, we have been comparing fractions with different denominators - this led to lots of chats about sharing chocolate bars and thinking about if our pieces of chocolate would be bigger or smaller if we shared with more or less people, it definitely got the children’s interested and mathematically thinking. We’ve also practised adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator.

We have spent time making our final Roman trifold leaflets including the english and grammar skills we have been focusing on this half term. The children have put a lot of time into their research and presenting their work; they look amazing and I’m looking forward to having a good read of them all over half term.

In History we thought about the factors that made the Roman Army so successful and put them in order of significance, I wonder if the children could tell you what they thought the most significant factor was….Was it that the army were experienced? Or perhaps it was that they underwent rigorous training? Was it the sheer size of the army that led to their vast empire?
In between our hard work, we were able to visit the chicks in Year 2, a perfect Easter treat!

Year 3 love reading! Over the last 2 weeks, I’ve had lovely conversations with parents about reading. The children’s love of reading is clear to see, many of the children are now reading and thoroughly enjoying longer chapter books. We’re so close to finishing our class book The Creakers by Tom Fletcher, I had hoped we’d get it finished this week but we just ran out of time. You may have seen on our home learning page that our Author of the month next month is Peter Brown.

The Easter Bunny visited!!! I think the looks on the children’s faces say enough. The squeals and screams of excitement as the children hunted around the school garden have made my week.

Blue Peter Badge Application - Thank you for returning forms, we’ve not quite finished our applications - this will be our first job when we’re back after Easter. If you’ve not had chance to fill in and return your form, this gives you a little extra time too.


Martha and Myles

The class have voted for you as our learners of the half term. You are reflective learners, you take responsibility for your work and know what you need to do to take the next step on your learning journey. Well done!

This half term’s virtues are compassionate and loving.

Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to Lena and Joseph .


  • School reopens on Monday 8th April

  • Polite Reminder - We are a ‘nut free’ school - this includes packed lunches, a number of children have had nutella sandwiches this week, not only an unhealthy choice but this also goes against our ‘nut free’ policy that is in place to protect children in our school who have severe allergies.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Naylor, Miss Slater and Mrs Ely