Year 3 Weekly Blog Friday 24th January


We have watched the Mark 10 Mission, we listened to Jesus’s important announcement 'The year of the Lord's favour' has begun. Jesus announced a new time of hope for everyone. We are also starting a year of new hope, the Jubilee. Greg, with the help of a new friend, helped us understand more about the Jubilee and how we can walk with Jesus. We then prayed together and sang 'God's Spirit is in My Heart' with Angel.

Our learning this week…

English This week have created pictures of the Iron Man using clues and evidence from the text. We’ve also been writing lots of similes to describe him and the setting of the story.

Maths - We have started a new unit of work focusing on 3 digit numbers - we have represented them using our base 10 blocks and looked at the value of each digit.

Spelling - The focus spelling focus this week is irregular past tense verbs - see homework blog.

Science - Food glorious food! We have been learning all about nutrition and what our bodies need to make sure they are working at their very best. We have sorted foods into food groups.

History - The Stone Age. Our key question this week was “Was Stone Age man simply a hunter and gatherer, concerned only with survival? “ We studied an illustration based on evidence we have of stone age men and noticed that they took part in activities that were not necessarily for their survival. Cave painting and carvings, told us that Stone age men were artistic and creative. They hunted deer for food and skins, but then used their bones and skulls to make costumes and headdresses worn at ceremonies and celebrations.

Computing - We have been designing digital devices that have an input and an output. The children worked in pairs to design all sorts of weird and wonderful machines - machines to catch Santa! Doorbells that played dance music and set off disco lights and devices that gave out gummy bears at the touch of a button. Great imagination and great team work - well done Year 3.


Lunchtime Awards:
Role Model: Eliza
Marvelous Manners: Freddie

Virtue - Isla

Learner of the Week - Wren
Wren you are a kind and considerate learning partner. You always complete your work to the best of your ability, whilst giving encouragement to those around you so that they can achieve their best too. You focus in lessons and actively take part in class discussions sharing your knowledge and building on your understanding. Youareapleasure to teach

Reminders and Notices

  • Please ensure your child is coming to school with a suitable coat, hat and gloves.

  • Next Wednesday we are visiting St Annes Library, if you a library card please bring it to school with you. Please bring in books you wish to return.

  • School uniform -please ensure your child is coming into school in correct uniform or PE Kit, there been a few black jogging bottoms, leggings and bright trainers sneaking in!

  • Our Mini Vinnie’s are collecting warm clothing and blankets to donate to the homeless. They’re also collecting tinned soups during the month of January for our local food bank, any donations will be greatly appreciated.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Naylor and Miss Hennessy