This week we have spent some time planning and writing prayers ready to share in our class liturgies. The children thought carefully about who they wanted to address their prayer to, before thinking about what they are thankful for. We had a lovely conversation about signs of spring starting to show around school and how good the lighter mornings and warmer weather has been making us feel. We took time to appreciate the little things.
On Thursday, we listened to the Gospel , we heard in a parable about specks and logs getting into people's eyes! What could Jesus possibly have be talking about? Greg opened up the parable and helped us ponder what Jesus could be saying to us and the way we should live. He encourages us to be a good example so that others can see the right things to do. We then meet with Jesus as we prayed and sang 'Trading My Sorrows.'
Our learning this week…
English - We’ve come to the end of our class novel, The Wild Robot. The children have thoroghly enjoyed reading about Roz’s inspirng adventures on the island. We have decided to write about the parts of the story we loved to help us get our Reading Blue Peter Badges. A form was sent home on Wednesday to accompany your child’s application, this form must be filled in for them to apply - please send your completed forms back into school by Wednesday next week.
Maths - We’ve started our new maths topic - Measuring mass and capacity. This week we have looked at marked and unmarked intervals on scales when measurng mass. We learnt that mass can be measured in Kilogram and grams and those metric measure can be abbreviated to kg and g.
Spelling - Our spelling focus this week is the ‘u’ sound spelt ‘ou’. Please see our homework blog and homework books for tasks.
History - Key Question - Why did they build Stonehenge? We had a wonderful lesson learning all about Stonehenge, it’s location, how and when it was built and we thought about why but couldn’t come up with a definite answer. That’s because there isn’t one, we just don’t know. There are theories about it being an ancient burial site, a giant calendar, a healing place that the sick visited or a holy place.
This half term are virtues are Grateful and Generous
Virtue Star - Jude Cu
Learner of the Week - Logan
For being an enthusiastic and focused learner, particularly in science and maths. You are a super scientist. You are a wonderful role model for your class friends, you listen attentively in class and ask questions to further your understanding. Well done Logan!
Reminders and Notices
Ribchester Museum Trip Tuesday 18th March - please complete permission slips by clicking the button below. Payments are due on Parentpay, thank you to those who have already paid.
Swimming - Next week we will be swimming on Tuesday instead of Thursday. Please send your children in their PE kits on Tuesday and I will meet you at the gate as normal at 8.30am.
Ash Wednesday School Mass - Wednesday 5th March
World Book Day - Thursday 6th March - come to school dressed as your favourite character!
Friday 21st March Own clothes day and bring an Easter Egg for our Easter Egg raffle.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Naylor and Miss Hennessy