This week our class worship was led by Vincent, Patrick , Logan and Michael, they told of the story of Jonah and the big fish. We listened to the children’s personal prayer and they have been our prayer leaders this week.
On Friday we listen to the Gospel, Jesus shared a parable about a fig tree that wasn’t growing any fruit. A kind gardener worked to help the tree grow. Greg helps us wonder about what Jesus is telling us through this parable. We then joined Jesus in prayer and asked for his help to grow in kindness and love. We ended with the hymn 'Here I Am Lord' sung by Angel.
Our learning this week…
English - This week, we’ve continued to collect information about Romans - it’s been quite gruesome and a little bit scary. We’ve made blackout poems about Roman health and medicine and read about the strange ideas Roman’s had about curing diseases and keeping healthy. I bet your children can remember the how Roman’;s cured sneezes and hiccups! What did Cato the elder recommend washing children in?
Maths - We’ve been learning about right angles and know that a right angle is a quarter turn. We found lots of right angles in our classroom. We’ve also been learning about the properties of shapes, we know that triangles have 3 straights sides and 3 vertices. We have been fantastic at using mathematical language to describe properties of triangles, We know that a triangle with a right angle is called a right angled triangle and used a venn to sort shapes into triangles, shapes with right angles and shapes with both.
PE - We’re getting ready for Wimbledon! We’ve been working on our tennis skills - the children are really enjoying this unit of PE, the warmer weather is certainly helping.
Spelling - Our spelling focus this week is irregular plurals.. Please see our homework blog and homework books for tasks.
Ribchester Museum Trip
We had a fantastic interactive day on Tuesday at the museum, the guide Patrick was very knowledgeable and gave us lots of interesting information to bring back with us. Thank you to the parents who accompanied us, it is greatly appreciated.
This half term are virtues are Grateful and Generous
Virtue Star -Jack
Learner of the Week - Blythe
You have worked so hard at our swimming lessons, you have been brave and improved week on week. This week your determination and resilience paid off when you were moved into the next group. You were beaming and we could see how proud of yourself you were. We are proud of you too, well done Blythe.
Reminders and Notices
Friday 4th April - Year 3 church for 9.30am Mass, you are welcome to join us.
Swimming 27th March - Water Safety. Children need to bring in a pair of pajamas as well as their usual swimming kit. Trousers and long sleeved please - no onsies!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Naylor and Miss Hennessy