Year 2 blog 22/9/2023 "I am a Gift from God" Psalm 1 27:3

New beginnings bring new feelings. All feelings are good they help us to grow closer to others. When starting something new, we can feel excited or worried, anxious or afraid. We have learnt that God stands with us, we are never alone and he has given us special gifts to share with others as we make each new journey!

Magic Moments!

Miss Bassett and I would love to post pictures here showing some of our favourite learning moments and we will - we are just waiting for all the consent forms to be completed (see below). I need to tell you that we have: made music to match the creatures of the Savanah; reasoned about why certain objects are made from particular materials; balanced and leapt in gym and explored staying safe online! Not to mention the wonderful time we had with Dan Worsley the author!!!Just a few of our magic moments!

CLASS NEWS: Congratulations to Logan and Elsie our new class counsellors!


Could you tell your child about your travels - have you been to other countries. Locate them on a map and talk about the continent in which they lie.

Count up and down in tens. Sort button, dry pasta, lego into groups of ten


Please complete these important forms asap- Thank you


Homework to be handed in Monday morning

Spelling test Monday

ALL CHILDREN must have shorts under their tracksuit bottoms on THURSDAY so that they can use he large apparatus in gymnastics.

Water bottles - some children have screw top bottles - we have had a number of leaks this week, the children are struggling to secure the lid. If possible could you provide a bottle with easy access.

Have a lovely weekend

God Bless

The Year 2 team



This vaccination is recommended to help protect your child against flu. Flu can be an unpleasant illness and can cause serious complications. Vaccinating your child will also help protect more vulnerable family and friends by preventing the spread of Flu. There may be a rebound in Flu levels this coming winter following low levels in the past 2 years. The vaccination is free and is a quick, simple, painless spray up the nose.

Please complete the online consent form.

If you DO NOT wish your child to be vaccinated for whatever reason please complete the form stating NO and the reasons.

Use the link below to access the online consent form:

Enter the unique school code with BP in capital letters

The code for your school is:  BP119627

.Please inform the School Vaccination Team (Not School) of the following on

  • If your child has steroid tablets prescribed two weeks prior to vaccination.

  • If in the few days prior to vaccination your child has been wheezy.

  • If after consenting you take your child to your GP surgery to receive their vaccination

It is your responsibility to contact the school vaccination team to ensure they do not receive the immunisation again. Our contact details are: Blackpool, Wyre & Fylde: 01253 951984 Lancaster & Morecambe: 01524 406672A leaflet explaining the vaccination programme can be accessed by clicking the following link: Flu vaccination for children

Yours faithfully,

School Age Vaccination Team