Autumn 1 Extra-Curricular Opportunities

Welcome back to school. We have put together menu of opportunities for the children to get involved in beyond the school day. Sport is the first things that always starts as fixtures against other clubs takes place. Choir and art will take place during Autumn 2. I have written a short blurb on each club so you can decide whether you would like your child to take part or not. Please complete the form for each club.

Below is a list of names. These are the children who filled in the forms for the clubs. There has been lots of children wanting to take part in fencing, you will see that some children have been moved into Autumn 2 for the next club after half term.

Football - Monday 8am Year 5 & 6 - Mr Nay and Mr Cornwell

This club is for the school team. This year, the local primary schools have decided to do things a little differently due to the increase in girls wanting to play football. There will be 3 football teams this year. 2 x boys football and 1 x girls football. The A team boys football and girls football will play their fixtures on a Tuesday night. The B team football will train weekly but will now have a tournament each half term, this has never happened and is something exciting. If you would like your Year 5 or 6 child to take part, please complete the form below.

Netball - Monday lunchtime Year 5 & 6 - Mrs Gregan

This club doesn’t need to be signed up for as it is during school hours. Fixtures for the netball team will be on a Thursday after school.

Dance - Monday 3.30 - 4.30pm Year 4, 5 & 6 - Mrs Harrison

Each year our dance team perform at The Winter Gardens as part of the Dance Festival. This year it is taking place on Monday 13th November. Mrs Harrison will be holding dance training each Monday, starting on the 18th September for those children who are interested and committed to taking part. If you would like your Year 4, 5 or 6 child to take part, please complete the form below.

Year 1 & 2 Sports Club - 8am

Each Wednesday morning during Autumn 1, Mr Nay and Mr Murray will be running their sports sessions for Year 1 & 2. If you would like your child to take part, please complete the form below.

KS2 Fencing

Last year was judo, this year is fencing and archery. Throughout the year, we will be having both sports taking place and the opportunity opened to all children. This half term, all KS2 children will be given the opportunity to take part in fencing. There will be a charge to this club, but we will still be subsidising this as part of our school sport offer. The cost for a 5 week course will be £20 for parents, made payable via Parent Pay once places have been confirmed. Please do not worry if your child does not get a place this time, they will be put on the list for the next fencing sessions. If you would like your Year 3,4, 5 or 6 child to take part, please complete the form below.,

KS2 Football - Friday 3.30-4.30pm - Mr Nay and Mr Murray

As you all know, Mr Nay works across both Our Ladys and Heyhouses, as well as running lots of football sessions in the community. He will be starting his own CN Active Football sessions at school on a Friday afternoon for any of our KS2 children to attend. These sessions are independent of the school and will be run by Mr Nay. The cost of these sessions is £25 for the 5 weeks that this club will run up until October half term. If you would like your child to attend, please complete the form below. £25 CASH will be payable to Mr Nay at the first session -Friday 15th September.