Autumn 2 Extra-Curricular Opportunities

As we look to start a new half term, there have been some new and exciting changes to the extra-curricular offer that we have in school. Please click on the button below for the timetable.

Football - Monday 8am Girls Football - Mr Nay & Mr Murray

This club is for any girl in school from Year 2 to Year 6. We are planning for the club to be outdoors but please bring trainers incase of bad weather, training will then move into the hall.

Year 5 & 6 Indoor Athletics Club - Tuesday 3.30-4.30pm

This club is for any child in Year 5 & 6 who wish to train and then trial for the school athletics team. They will be competing in the indoor athletics competition in January.

Year 1 Football Training

Each Wednesday morning during Autumn 1, Mr Nay and Mr Murray will be running a football coaching course for Year 1 children. When the weather is unkind, the session will be indoors so trainers are essential. Playtimes can be tricky when the children are wanting to play football but then needing to understand the rules and boundaries involved. The children who take part are aiming to earn the Our Lady Football Star Certificate - meaning that they will have demonstrated that they can play safely. This is not about the best footballers, it is recognising respect, tolerance and team-work. The children are aiming to successfully pass the course.

KS2 Fencing

This is the list of children taking part in fencing this half term.

The cost is £20 payable on Parent Pay after half term for the course. The 5 week block will start on the 10th November.

Year 2, 3 & 4 Football - Friday 3.30-4.30pm - Mr Nay and Mr Murray

As you all know, Mr Nay works across both Our Ladys and Heyhouses, as well as running lots of football sessions in the community. He will be starting his own CN Active Football sessions at school on a Friday afternoon for any of our Year 2, 3 and 4 children to attend. These sessions are independent of the school and will be run by Mr Nay. The cost of these sessions is £25 for the 5 weeks that this club will run up until October half term. If you would like your child to attend, please complete the form below. £25 CASH will be payable to Mr Nay at the first session Friday 10th November.

Year 1 Parent and Child Art Session

Miss Neves is currently completing her degree in fine art and would like to run a Christmas Art club for Year 1 children and their parent. There would be space for a child and an adult, unfortunately, siblings will not be able to attend. This is a really lovely opportunity to have some time with your child, getting into the Christmas spirit. There will be limited places due to the size of the room. Places will be allocated after half term - if there is more than available, we will randomly select out of a hat.

Year 3 & 4 Christmas Craft Club

Mrs Naylor loves all things craft and all things Christmas. She is running a club for 15 children in Year 3 & 4 to get involved in Christmas craft. Places will be allocated after half term - if there is more than available, we will randomly select out of a hat.