Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 14th September


This weeks focus has been words with the silent letter b

  1. thumb

  2. numb

  3. crumb

  4. debt

  5. doubt

  6. limb

  7. climb

  8. tomb

  9. comb

  10. subtle

Class Council Speeches

Our leadership assemblies will take place next week, where our roles of responsibility are announced. For anyone who would like to be a class councilor this year and also be apart of the school council, then you are to prepare a speech to tell your classmates why they should vote for you. One boy and one girl will be selected as our class councilors. You can not apply for class councilor if you have already been one in a previous year.

Homework Books

As it is the first week homework handout of the year, the children are to design the front cover of their homework books. You can choose to back these books as it helps protect the condition of them. This is so we do not get these books mixed with our computing books (same size and colour).

History- London preparation- Due Monday 12th September

The children are to write 5 curious questions in their homework book that they would like to find out about the Houses of Parliament or anything else to do with London and their task is to find the answer when we go on Tuesday.