Year 2 Weekly Blog 12/1/2024 -"God is so good to give us new days and New Years since He knows we need so many times to start over."

We started this cold and frosty New Year celebrating the Good News of Jesus Christ. In our RE lessons this half term we are exploring Jesus’ miracles and what they teach us about the love and forgiveness of God. This week we acted out and explored the miracle of Jarius’ daughter. Then we thought deeply about the feelings of the different witnesses. We decided the disciples would be shocked - as Wren put it “to know what a kind and surprising person Jesus was”. We also joined our Parish family for Mass on Wednesday learning that the Wisemen symbolise Jesus coming for all peoples.


This week we have dived into the the novel the BFG! We love it. Not only that, we are using the story as our inspiration for our Thursday dance lesson - ask you child about it! In Science we started our new topic on Living Things and identified all the things we would need to survive if we went to Mars - what fun. In Music we explored the different instrument families in an orchestra and in English we wrote letters as Hansel and Gretel! On Friday morning a group of us enjoyed FENCING for the first time too. Finally, in maths we explored the inverse nature of addition and subtraction - using models.


Explore a map of Europe, read the names of the countries and have fun trying to remember them. If you are super confident find out the names of some capital cities.


This week our learning characater certificates went to:

Danny! - Well done Danny you have been a super enthusiastic learner, ready in every lesson and so keen to share all your deep thinking!!!

Elsie! - Well done Elsie you too have been enthusiastic and focused. Even though it was tough getting back into the challenging work- you showed determination and resilience everyday.

Dinnertime awards

Role Model of the week: Jude Clayton   

Marvellous Manners Isla

Fencing stars this week:


PE days remain the same: Tuesday and Thursday. Please bring hat for Tuesday it is chilly!

Homework goes out on Tuesday and returns each Monday morning. I’ll check the IXL too each Monday evening. I’m looking forward to sharing the children’s Curious Country work in class.