Year 2 Blog week ending 19th January - "Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak."

How will you shine your light to show Jesus in your everyday life?

This was the question we reflected on at the very beginning of the week during our worship. The children thought so deeply and then recorded there responses which are now shining from a lighthouse display in the school worship area. In RE we learnt all about the miracle of The Ten Lepers. We found it upsetting to know that in the past, leprosy was incurable. We understood how compassionate and inclusive Jesus was/is. In the story only one of the ten leper said “Thank you!” to Jesus for curing them. We reflected on all the people in our lives we need to say thank you too. Next week we will complete our thank you flowers in class ready for display.


Miss Bassett and baby Alicia came to our science lesson. We are studying how living creatures grow and what we need to survive. We LOVE our dance lessons - we are recreating key scenes from the BFG (our class novel). In music we watched part of “Frozen” - we were great at identifying which instruments from the orchestra were being used. Maths was tricky and we have read “Revolting Rhymes” in English (fairytales with gruesome twists) - oh what fun!!!!

Without a doubt sharing our homework was great - not only the thought and work that had gone into it but what we now knew!


Maps from a birdseye view! We explored maps of the school from above we drew objects from the side and then from above. Spatial awareness and perception can be taught - but it does need practice and if practice is fun - all the better. I have sourced some spatial awareness apps for children - here is the link for more information

Click to link to website for information on apps


This week our Growth Mindset Certificates went too:

Barnaby - well done Barnaby for being a focused and resilient learner. You are working so hard on your writing, reading and maths. Your perseverance is definitely paying off. It was great to see the real Barnaby as you bounced back into action after your illness!

Bella - what a focused week you have had. It was been wonderful to see you ploughing all your focus into deep thinking in all your subjects. I love your curiosity about the world I stood back and watched you play with the ice on Tuesday you were lost in your play/thoughts



Monday - homework, thank you.

Sports clubs for Year 2 for those who have signed up.

FOOD BANK - we have a food bank at the front of school - we are happy for the children to bring in items and we will happily help them place them there. Or pop in yourself on the way to school

Have a lovely weekend form all the staff in Year 2