Year 2 Weekly Blog - Friday 8th November “To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.”

This week we remembered those who have gone to be with Jesus in heaven. Alfie, Arthur and Daisy led us in a beautiful remembrance worship - thank you.

In our RE lesson we acted out the story of the Annunciation. We made connections between this visit by the Angel Gabriel and the one to Zachariah last week. In response we made “Angel and Mary” models. We will finish these and bring them home next week so they can hang somewhere over Christmas reminding us that Mary said YES! While this busy making went on in class I took a few children at a time to read lines for the play. It was tough deciding the parts but I know everyone will do their best!

The book look yesterday was wonderful too, the children are so proud of their work- rightly so!


This week we have been writing. We have planned together to collect ideas and then Mrs Hotchkiss has modelled “being a writer”. This has helped us to see how we need to apply all the skills required to write a story. In our story the Big Bad wolf falls into different fairytales and causes chaos! We have planned to write about the time he fell into Hansel and Gretals’ fairytale - silly old wolf! We have written a section each day then responded to marking to help us get better and better. In maths we have been linking part, part, whole models to equations and in science we went deeper -looking at food chains with mistakes - we were great at spotting these. In history Miss Lavelle made us think hard about why anyone would want to go to the battlefield in Crimea to help in the hospital there. While you were visiting on Thursday, back in class we set a spatial reasoning task which the children loved (see below). Finally, PE was fun - our Tuesday lesson was all about games invented in the 20th century - I was brilliant- as I was one of the children making them up at the time!


Mary said “Yes.” her heart told her to have faith and follow God’s plan. Can you reflect with your child on times when you have followed your faith.


This week our Learning Awards went to:

Henry– it is a joy to teach you ! You are always ready, polite and excited about learning. You always share your ideas and I love the way you just get on with the task in hand. You have shown our class what an Our Lady Star is truly like: Caring about others whilst doing your absolute best! Thank you too for playing on the playground with maturity and understanding – well done!

Alfie – you have been so focused. In every lesson you’re sat up, alert and listening. Because of this, you are showing a deeper and deeper understanding of all the work we are covering. I’m excited to see how far you will go this year and beyond. You have shown you are a wise man – time to be one in our play!!!!

VIRTUE - for being Intentional and Prophetic - Leo T

Lunchtime Awards: Role Model  Benji and Marvelous Manners Daisy


Next Friday is pyjamas and Children in Need for Brian House. We need to bring a pound; dress in Pjs and of course bring our teddies! On the same day we are visiting the Parish Centre. We visit will be spending time with the people of the parish as we join the coffee morning. We will need to pop our school hoodie/jumpers on over our PJ’s.

PE - Tuesday and Wednesday please

Wednesday - The Fire Service will be visiting us this week. They teach the children about fire safety - firstly in Year 2 and then again later in Year 6. This can make the children think about dangers they may never have considered before and they will want to talk to you when they get home. They are asked, by the firefighters, to sit down with their family and make a fire exit plan together. I will pop this on the homework blog.

Have a lovely weekend from the whole Year 2 team. Your supoort and kind words are really appreciated.