Year 5 Half Term Homework


We are currently at just over 4 million words as a class on our word count for the year. At Christmas, we set a target of 10 million words before the end of school in summer. We are currently halfway through the year so the more everyone reads- the closer we will get to the target!


This weeks focus has been words ending in ‘shus’ but spelt -cious. After half term, we will then be focusing on words with -tious endings so it is important we that we practice over half term to learn the difference.

  1. spacious

  2. vicious

  3. precious

  4. suspicious

  5. conscious

  6. delicious

  7. ferocious

  8. luscious

  9. malicious

  10. precocious

  11. atrocious

  12. pugnacious


We will be beginning our big multiplication and division topic after half term so it is vital that the children keep practicing their times tables over the week and they feel confident with all tables up to x12.


For anyone who has not finished their planets fan project- this will need to be competed over half term. The research side has all been done and it is onto the colouring and making of the fans.

They will need to make a small hole through the circle, which is at the bottom of each sheet. Then you will need to place a split pin through each sheet (one by one) to create the fan.

When you have finished, take a picture of your child with their fan project so that the photo can go in their book for evidence.

Lenten Boxes

Easter will soon be approaching us after half term so the children will need to make a lenten box in order to swap with another child. The children could use butter tubs, plastic container, small cardboard box- it’s up to you! (Just make sure it is fully cleaned first)

Here are some examples of last years to help you out.