Year 2 Blog Friday 17th May "How we spend our time defines us"

On a week when we reflected deeply on God’s beautiful world, the children have been inspired in RE by the life of Oscar Romero. The children reflected on how people in power can use money and resources very unfairly. We learnt that Oscar wanted these people to know that this is not how God wants us to behave. He bravely stood up for the poor and spoke out over the radio. In 1980 he was killed while saying mass. He told those who loved him that he was not afraid to die- he believed in resurrection and his spirt would rise in the people of San Salvador. The whole story touched the class who have a wonderful collective sense of justice. They could see the link to the life of Jesus.

We continued to share the Rosary finishing our week with a decade offered for our Year 4 children who will be making their Holy Communion this weekend

Then on Thursday Xander, Logan and Jacob led a beautiful worship in which they used the words of the Pope to remind us to care for our world (common home). Then today we came to school in green celebrating His world trying our very best to walk, scooter and cycle- reducing pollution.


We have dived into a class novel “The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark” and what a great read. We have practised our comprehension skills and written poetry inspired by chapter 1. I’m hopeful that the children have come home to share what they have learnt in maths - we are learning to tell the time. This is one of the trickiest skills to master - but we are doing great! In science we continued to monitor our seeds which have well and truly sprouted! In History we couldn’t believe how brave Grace Darling was- what she did was truly heroic. Could you play a motif within a sound scape using a glockenspiel? I have to give a shout out to the following children who smashed their performance in our music lesson : Jacob, Luca, Dexter and Heidi!!! Well done. Finally, we invited Freddie and Elsie’s Grandma into class with two special little friends - this was a treat on a day when we where celebrating the natural world.


Telling the time. Please ask your child what they have understood about telling time this week. Then watch this video which shows you the interactive clock all the children have used this week. I explain what I have taught so far and the reasoning. We will continue next week. EVERY child needs to practice time one to one with a parent. It can come quickly for some but often practice is the only way to master this tricky skill. Below is the video and the link to the interactive clock


This week the Growth Mindset awards go to:

Butterfly Virtue - being Learned and Wise: Jack - always being the best that you can be! And Halle for being a special friend to a younger child

Sadie Spider

Barnaby - you have been so focused and determined in every subject. You have read purposefully and shown determination when writing. Your enthusiasm in other subjects as been great to see too. I would also like to say a special thank you for all the little jobs you do around the classroom, always completed so efficiently and kindly.

Bobby Bee

Heidi - I have been reflecting on how much progress you have made since the beginning of the year and you have really excelled. I’m so proud of you. I keep sharing with the class that “listening to the teaching really carefully is the key”. You are a wonderful role model in this respect, you listen and engage with all the learning and you have just grown and grown in confidence! Well done.

Dinnertime awards: Role Model  Eliza  Marvellous Manners  Elsie


Rosary beads are welcomed into class and can be used when we complete the Rosary next week.

Please hand in homework every Monday - thank you

If you are able to purchase a learning wrist watch that would be wonderful. Thank you to all those children who are already wearing theirs.

School closes next Friday for two weeks - normal pick up time 3:20pm

Have a lovely weekend from the whole Year 2 team