Year 2 Blog week ending 5th July - "Why walk when you can dance!"

We have had a very special week this week, when we moved beyond our own classroom and into Year 6 and Year 3. On Monday we participated in our half termly enrichment opportunity with Mrs Harrison. We entered the hall to the theme tune of “Strictly come Dancing” and we learnt the Waltz!!!! On our return to class the words to describe our experience included “awesome” “amazing” “fun” and “cool”. Then on Wednesday morning we entered Key Stage 2! Mrs Naylor, our new teacher, gave us a tour of our new classroom! She engaged us in learning tasks and explained more about what we will be learning in Year 3 - so very exciting! In RE we explored Sunday’s Gospel when the people who knew Jesus best “the carpenter” struggled to listen to him in the synagogue. We often grow and change - but we always remain the same person - the one God imagined and the one he helps us to become.


We have done a lot of writing this week. Firstly we completed a detailed book review of our class novel - we rate it highly and then we started to write our own chapter! This involved innovating - an opportunity to let our creativity flow! We loved the maths as the word puzzles got really tricky and we understood the value of using a numberline when subtracting tricky numbers (great focus everyone). Then in history we finished our work on Grace Darling, we had to reflect on how she could be remembered. Some children designed stain glass windows, others a decorative bench Dexter even wrote a song! We have had a long running experiment going in class, something we set up (a few weeks ago). We wanted to know if a seed would thrive if we took away, space, water, warmth and light! Well the results were clear to see. The only thriving plant was the one that had everything it needed! We continued with our spelling and grammar sessions. On Friday we continued to learn our “Songs of the British Isles” - this time “London Bridge is Falling Down” - the children are getting really good at creating a soundscape, this time of a city (noisy)! To end the week Miss Lavelle led our HRSE session all about understanding the emotions we feel when we face changes.


Chat about moving to Year 3. What are you looking forward to? What did you get up to on indictuion morning? Explain to your trusted adult how you are feeling about the change and how they could help!


This week our growth mindset certificates go to:

Jude Clayton - Wow Jude your levels of resilience knows no boundaries. All your teachers have loved working alongside you - you have shown determination especially in the writing sessions. My highlight on Thursday was chilling at the back of the class as you read the whole of your book to me - joy!

Dexter - you have been so creative this week. You are always extremely excited about learning, and when it comes to doing things differently you are not afraid to have a go. I just loved the fact that you went for a song to remember Grace Darling’s heroic story! You have also been very tolerant in class, this patience has not gone unnoticed - thank you Dexter.

Virtue - Generous and Grateful - To Bonnie. It is clear each day Bonnie that you are generous with your imaginative play and friendship! Thank you too for being polite everyday!

Edward - for teaching another child so patiently when they were struggling with their maths

Lunch awards -

Role Model of the week: Bonnie

Marvellous Manners: Barnaby


PE continues to run on Tuesday and Thursday, but we will have an extra PE session next Friday so PE kit please - thank you.

Homework did go on on Wednesday (apologises for day delay). Please handin homework book Monday. Thank you.

Final two weeks of school - full of learning and anticipation.

Can you help? MISSING SCOOTER - Jacob’s scooter is still missing here is an image

Have a lovely weekend - sadly I think it might rain…. family film time instead!