Year 2 - Home Learning to be handed in on the final Monday of term (15th July)

As we reach the end of Year 2 I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support with home learning throughout the year. Thank you for working alongside your child: reading, playing numbots, spelling and using letter join to develop their cursive handwriting. It really has made the difference.


Lots of super reading going on in class. It is clear that when they read with you and you chat about the story they are super confident when quizzing!

How many books can you read in this final week? Books will be handed back next week so we can take stock. Time now to turn to the library - members of St. Annes library have been to school to share the “Summer Reading Challenge”. Why not pop along this weekend and get cracking!


There is so much excitement around Numbots. We have a group of children who are about to get through the final level- DIAMOND. Please keep going! Please don’t stop - we continue to use Numbots in Year 3. We want everyone to get to the end so that all our addition and subtraction facts and structures are secure. This is a target you can keep working towards during the break from school.


Final spelling list - words ending in al








We have been writing stories this week and I’ve had lovely creative conversations. We have also chatted about handwriting and which letters are tricky. I would like the children to go into letter join and click on “Hard letters” in the menu bar - watch/try and practice K F Z and X.

Thank you!