Year One Weekly Blog - 28th February

Magic moments


Our class liturgy this week was based around the book the Christmas story - this is a firm favourite of the children’s and they seem to choose it over and over. We read the book together and discussed the importance of it. We then sang Mary did you know.

We talked all about lent in our RE lesson and discussed the different things we could do to raise money for our Lenten boxes.

Some children have already brought in their Lenten boxes for our partner class Year Five, thank you! Please ensure they are finished by Wednesday as this is Ash Wednesday.

Conversation starter - what could you give up for lent?

English and Maths

We stared our new topic in English this week, we have been learning all about fiction and non fiction and what this means. We began looking at the author Debi Gliori and different books that she wrote. We looked at different book covers and decided what we thought the book was about just by looking at it! We had a big focus on using capital letters this week and wrote some questions to Debi to find out all about her life.

Maths this week was all about counting accurately. We counted objects in one group, then began to compare objects in different groups. We then began looking at the equality and inequality signs.

Science and Geography

We started our new topics in science and geography this week ready to dive deeper in next weeks lessons! We are learning about everyday materials in science and hot and cold locations in geography.

Conversation starter : Can you name three different materials?

Can you name a hot or cold location?

Going Deeper…

My Happy Mind - Next week we will start our new topic relate. We will be learning to have an “Attitude for Gratitude”.

Conversation starter : What would make tomorrow an amazing day? What could you do to make that happen?

Make a plan, achieve it and tell us all about it when we come back to school!

Lets celebrate!

Well done to our certificate winner this week, we have had a determined and enthusiastic learner in Elijah. You have worked brilliantly this week and we are very proud of you, keep it up.

Our Virtue Star this week goes to…. Diana! You have been so grateful and generous all week, super focused and ready to learn! You are always making the right choices, Well done!

Finally a big happy birthday to Marcel! We loved celebrating with you today and hope you celebrate more at the weekend!

Important information and reminders.

The children have been practising our tea dance even more this week and it is looking great! We will be travelling via coach to and from The Marine Hall, there is a fee live on parent pay for this.

As the event is only two weeks away, I am making a separate blog about what the children will need to wear on the day.

Some dates for your diaries:

  • World book day 6th March - poster on Mrs Gregan’s blog all about this

  • Year One Tea Dance 11th March 12.30pm

  • Phonics Stay and Play - Monday 17th March at 2.15pm OR Tuesday 18th March at 9am.

  • School pictures - Wednesday 2nd April

  • Family Mass - Sunday 6th April

I hope you have an enjoyable and restful week and look forward to seeing you on Monday!