Year One Home Learning - to be handed in Monday 14th


Please ensure you are reading with your child as much as possible, this is the gateway to all learning! When you have read, please record this in their reading diaries with a comment of how they got on.


The pre cursive letters we are focusing on this week are : n, m, h

Please complete the handwriting sheet in your child’s homework book. If you want extra practise you are able to access “Letterjoin” on your phones and iPads at home.


Our spellings for this week are :

  • be

  • we

  • me

  • my

  • is

  • tand

We will be learning our new spellings on a Monday, practising on a Wednesday and completing a spelling test on a Friday.

Read, cover, write, check.


More than and fewer than. Compare groups of objects using the vocabulary more than and fewer than. To extend this a home, could you use manipulatives to go further.


Can you think of some fun adjectives to describe the characters in our story.

Who are our characters?

A challenge : can you think of 3 adjectives for 4 of our characters.

We have sent home purple mash, letterjoin and numbots logins so you are also able to access these at home.