Year One Home Learning - to be handed in Monday 27th January


Please ensure you are reading with your child as much as possible, this is the gateway to all learning!

We’ve seen in the past couple of weeks that a lot of children have stopped reading, please ensure that you are doing this. Over the next couple of weeks the children will be reassessed in phonics and groupings will hopefully be changed. We have some children who are on the cusp of going up into the next group, but if they aren’t getting enough practise in they will stay in the same group, meaning they will redo the same books they have already done.

We do a lot of reading with the children at school alongside other interventions, but there is only so much we can fit in alongside our day to day lessons.


Please practise this on the handwriting sheet provided.

We are now onto our “harder words” pages.

If you feel your child needs any extra support with cursive letters, please go onto the ‘letterjoin’ website using the login provided in September.


Our spellings for this week are :

  • there

  • this

  • they

  • that

  • come

  • some

  • is

  • a

  • I

  • the

Read, cover, write, check.

We have split the class into two groups this week, some will be focusing on our word set spellings (the top 6) and some focusing on the common exception words (the bottom 4). I will be discussing these groups in the upcoming parents day meetings, but if you have any questions regarding this before then, please don’t hesitate to grab me on the door or send me an email.


We have been focusing on the days of the week in maths today, focusing particularly the days of the week using the key words today, tomorrow and yesterday. Please fill in the gaps on the work sheet, asking questions using these key words.

I have uploaded a video of the children singing the days of the week song to use as support.


We have now finished reading The Gruffalo.

Can you write some sentences telling me what happened in our story?

Make sure you use capital letters, finger spaces, punctuation and the connective ‘and’.

Lots of children have come to the end of their homework books, you can keep these at home to look back on and we will send their homework in a new book.

New optional homework linked below.