This week we explored the story of Jesus’ baptism. It was very unusual - as John baptized him, the Holy Spirt appeared as a dove and a voice spoke. We realized that this was a sign that Jesus was very different, important and special. The people there were witnesses to the beginning of Jesus’ mission to bring us all closer to God. We always use drama in our RE lessons - this helps the children to remember all the details. They could all tell me that John shouted in the wilderness and he ate locust and wild honey! In our children’s worship we reflected on friendship and how important it is to encourage and help one another. Emilia read from the bible - it says in Hebrews “Everyday you should keep encouraging each other, so that none of you get tempted to do the wrong things” With this in mind our mission was to really help one another - and we have !! Daniel popped in to say hello - and there was an out pouring of love but we have to look after him as promised!
This week we have continued to reason about subtraction - deciding if we are taking away; finding the other part or finding the difference - not easy! We have mastered jumping back on the number line and for subtraction and we’ve decided to have some of this problems in our homework books for next week. We have loved our English lessons we have just read and read and read. Ask us anything about owls and we will know. In class, on the walls we have collected all our owl facts! We are ready to write a non-chronological report now! In geography we continued to explore London this time using our ipads and the map platform “digimaps” - next week we fly to Kenya! In science we reflected of the properties of materials and learnt some new vocab. Ask us what the following mean: brittle, translucent, rigid, flexible and durable. In music we sang more folks songs, while in art painting allowed us to be self expressive. Miss Basset has taught dance and games in PE and she loves computing. This week we had to play yes no games with our friends. Forest school to place for some of us and we will be visiting soon - see dates below.
On Monday we will be welcoming a “Faith Friend” to school this is a person with a different faith to ours. This week we will be welcoming a person who is Jewish. We know that Jesus was Jewish and it is important for us to know and understand how Jesus worshipped God. We will have an assembly all together and then we’ll have an opportunity to ask more questions once we are back in class. Why not watch the video below together and let your curious flow - what questions would you like to ask?
A special mention for Mrs Carragher! Today she leaves us to have her little baby. She is so excited to start this new chapter with her family. We thank her for all her hard work and encouragement. Thank you too for our new book marks and chocolate cake!!!
This week our Virtue Star goes to Eliana. You have a deep faith in yourself. I can see how much you believe that “you can do it”.
Our Learning Award goes to Daisy. Daisy has been a Kuba Crab - so focused and determied everyday!
Lunch time Awards :
Marvellous Manner: Freddie
Role Model of the week: Toby
Look too who got their swimming certificate this week!
Tuesday February 4th Our Class Assembly 9:10 and again at 9:35 in the morning - we would love to see you!
UNIFORM - Mrs Gregan has asked us to remind everyone that uniform is very important. Please remember that we have navy shorts and leggings for PE and all trainers are either black white or blue. I have attached the uniform guide here
TRIP Wednesday 12th February PM setting off from school after lunch - We are off the St.Bedes to watch their performance of Aladdin. later this year we study the story and use it as inspiration for our own writing! If you would like to join us drop me a line 3 volunteers would be perfect.
MATHS MASTERY FOR PARENTS -We have become part of the Maths Mastery Parents Project with the Maths Hub. We are running fun maths workshops for parents in Reception Year 1 and Year 2. This project aims to enhance and further parental engagement in mathematics. We are inviting parents into school to learn games alongside their children - these games will then be taken home straight away and in the following weeks as part of each classes home learning. Please complete the booking form below and pop the date for your child in your diary:
Reception: Wednesday 9:00 -9:50 am 12th February
Year 1: Wednesday 9:00- 9:50 am 26th February
Year 2: Wednesday 2:10pm- 3:20 am 26th February
Have a lovely weekend from the whole of the Year 2 team.