This week we have our second set of games coming out for you to play at home. The school photocopier is not currently working and I’ve not been able to print off the games. As soon as I can I will and send a paper copy in a plastic wallet. A little shout out to Olivia Howcroft’s parents - they glued the diary in and popped a little comment about how the games went - that was so useful thank you! I have attached the games instructions and the diary here - so you can get cracking!
We have recorganised the reading books in class to ensue the children bring home a book - oitch perfect. They are also visiting the library - some children have read the library book they went home with. They have quizzed and popped back for another!
Well done for all the wonderful handwriting last week- the poem was super long so many of you copied it all and did a super job joining up all your letters!
This week we have dictated sentences. In side the sentences you will here the following homophones:
Their There and They’re also your and you’re which homophone is correct? Can you explain to your parents how you know!
These are sentences - make sure you have your capital letter at the beginning and full stop (Year 1 target!).
LENTEN BOXES - remember those Good Deeds!
Keep that wonderful focus!