‘Through the eyes of gratitude, everything is a miracle.’

It was lovely to welcome the children back to school on Monday and hear all about their half-term adventures. We will be making the most of every moment of the next six weeks; the children have already shown how determined they are to grow their brains as much as they can before Year 2. We’ve been practising for our upcoming Sports Afternoon (next Tuesday). Sadly we are unable to invite family to watch this year; I promise to take lots of photos so that you can share in the joy. This is our normal PE day, so children should wear their PE kits as normal.

Our virtues for this half term are grateful and generous. The children have been reflecting on the gifts God has given them and thinking about how they can generously share their gifts with others.

What have we been learning this week?

In Maths this week, the children have been learning about fractions, (halves and quarters). They have been finding fractions of objects and groups. I wonder if the children can spot any halves or quarters over the weekend? They could even cut up a sandwich/cake to show you this.

In English, the children have received a very exciting letter from Pets at Home. Pets at Home, heard about how they cared for the butterflies and have asked if we could take care of a special pet for them. In preparation, the children wrote a guide about how to take care of pets - they are so thoughtful and caring! The pet will be arriving on Monday and the children are very excited to find out what it is…

In RE and RHE we have been learning about how Jesus calmed the storm and have reflected on how we can always turn to God when we feel afraid.

We have also begun learning about the Great Fire of London in History and have learned all about what London was like in 1666, before the fire broke out…



Curious Clara Clownfish: For asking curious questions! John Paul you have been very inquisitive this week and asked lots of super questions in History. It is wonderful to see you thinking deeply and pushing your brain to grow and grow! Well done John Paul and keep being curious!

Creative Kiki Chameleon: For imaginative ideas and using new words in your writing. Toby, I have been so impressed with your writing this week. I love how you are using exciting words like ‘vicious’ in your writing.  It’s amazing to see you gathering words from your reading and using them in your own way. Well done Toby!


  • A friendly reminder about water bottles and sun hats. Children should have both of these everyday. Please can children arrive at school with sun-cream on too.

  • I have a brand new school jumper in the classroom, with no name. If this is your child’s, please can ask them to collect it.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend in the sunshine,

Miss Lane and the Year 1 Team