This week, the children have begun rehearsals for their Nativity. This years Nativity will be very special; it will be filmed for your enjoyment at home, allowing you to share it with friends and family, at this very special time of the year. I look forward to sharing the filmed performance with you in my final blog before Christmas, although I have no doubt you’ll hear the songs before then!
The children have also written their Advent Promises and have thought deeply about why Advent is such a special time of the year. Please ask them what promise they have chosen to make this year; they are all so thoughtful.
What have we been learning this week?
In Maths the children have been learning about number bonds and how we can work these out in a systematic way. As a new challenge (next week), the children will be given a number bond card to practise a given number bond, at home. By ‘overlearning’ the number bonds, the children will be able to apply this knowledge to their upcoming addition and subtraction learning, not only in Year 1, but for the rest of their school journey and beyond. Keep your eyes peeled for these exciting new challenges in your child’s reading packet.
In English the children have been writing the story of Dangerous, using the story map to help them. They are so excited to perform the story to you, using the story map, in their home learning books.
We had our fourth Kidsafe lesson this week. We learned all about keeping our bodies safe. Please find this weeks Parent Letter attached for you to read.
Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: For loving growing your brain. Rosa, no matter the challenge, no matter the lesson ,you always believe in yourself! You love to learn and no matter how tricky the challenge, you always have a huge smile on your face. I am so proud of how hard you work everyday. Thank you for making our classroom such a happy place to learn and grow!
Co-operative Roger Robin: For being a little ray of sunshine! Louisa, you work so beautifully with your learning partner and recognise how magical it is to grow your brains together. It’s been amazing to see you encouraging not only your learning partner this week, but also your other class friends. Thank you for being so thoughtful Louisa.
Details of this weeks Home Learning can be found on the Home Learning Blog.
After great discussion about how to restart our charity work the children have agreed that if every family donates £5 we will be able to raise a large sum to present to Brian House. To do this they have planned two themed Fridays, the first on December 3rd – a Silly Sock or tight with uniform day - make your socks or tights stand out! The second on December 10th – a Christmas themed clothes day; a jumper, a t-shirt or simply Christmas colours. Mrs Hodges will organise ParentPay so that each family and members of staff can make a charitable donation.
Following on from last week, please keep an eye out for those pesky headlice. I haven’t spotted any scratching heads in class, so I can only presume any headlice have been evicted. Thank you so much for your speedy help with this!
God Bless and have a wonderful weekend,
Miss Lane and the Year 1 Team