‘Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures.’

The children have returned to school as enthusiastic as ever! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and for those of you who have been unwell, I do hope you are feeling better! We’ve made the most of every moment this week and have loved diving into our new learning. This half-term we are growing to be curious about everything and active in our engagement with the world, changing what they can for the better.

What have we been learning this week?

In Maths the children have been consolidating their addition and subtraction learning. They then did a Lizzie Ladybird challenge and wowed me with their retrieval of our learning from last half-term. Today we started learning about 3D shapes. I have challenged the children to look for 3D shapes in the real world, over the weekend.

In RE we have been thinking about families and how all families come in different shapes and sizes. The children then thought about how they can be a positive change in the world, through their kind actions and words.

The children have been very curious in Science. We have been learning about different materials and have been grouping them according to their properties. We began this learning by creating houses for the Three Little Pigs using different materials! The children have a home learning challenge to consolidate this learning.



Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: For being an enthusiastic learner! Alice, your hand has been up non-stop this week and your brain has not stopped growing. You have loved learning all about materials and made a fantastic house out of lolly sticks for our experiment. It’s been wonderful to watch you enjoying growing your brain and encouraging others to do the same. Well done Alice!

Focused Cooper Crab: For concentrating on your learning and being a brilliant listener. Fletcher, you have impressed me so much this week with your amazing focus. You have sat like a statue on the carpet and have channelled all of your attention into your learning. You’ve been a true role model on the Robin Table and have encouraged all of your class friends to focus too. Well done Fletcher!


  • Details of this weeks Home Learning can be found on the Home Learning Blog.

  • Please can children ensure they have coats, hats and gloves in school everyday.

  • URGENT PLEA FOR SPARE CLOTHES- We have no skirts, socks, tights or boys trousers. If your child has borrowed any clothes from school, please return them as soon as possible! If you have any spares of the above clothes or plastic bags to send wet clothes home in, we would really appreciate it. I now recommend that all children have spare clothes in their bag, should they need to get changed.

  • Today I shared the news with the children that the wonderful Mrs Hartley will be covering my maternity leave. You may have already heard about Mrs Hartley; the children met her for the first time in November when we went on our Beach walk and have learned with her many times since. It has been so important for myself and Miss Hornby, that a smooth transition for the children is in place and we feel very blessed to have found such a wonderful Year 1 teacher. Mrs Hartley has already made lovely relationships with the children and the children are so excited that she will be their new teacher. Mrs Hartley will be popping into school lots over the next couple of weeks, to meet with myself and have a full hand over of the children’s learning and their individual needs. Following this (unless baby makes an early arrival), she will be working alongside me in class from the 1st Feburary until half-term. Mrs Hartley is so looking forward to teaching your wonderful children and working with you too.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Lane and the Year 1 Team