'Inside every child is a rainbow waiting to shine.'

It’s been another fantastic week in Year 1 and I continue to be blown away by the children’s enthusiasm and determination. The children have worked so hard this half term; their brains have not stopped growing and they have certainly earned a rest over the holidays!

Tuesday was Safer Internet Day 2022 and we had some excellent class discussions about how to keep safe online. We read the story ‘Digiduck and the Magic Castle’ and talked about the importance of talking to our trusted grown up if there is something we are not sure about online. The children really enjoyed this activity and are excited to share this with you at home on Purple Mash.

What have we been learning this week?

In Maths we are continuing to deepen our understanding of number. We thought about different strategies that we could use for subtractions such as ‘first, then and now’ stories and counting back using a number line. We particularly enjoyed using the ‘first, then and now’ stories and it seems there were a few hungry teachers who ate lots of cupcakes!

In Geography we have had lots of fun being weather presenters and using our excellent map reading skills to give the weather forecast. We have also been busy recording this weeks weather on our own weather diary. With such a cloudy start to the week we thought we would only get to draw rain clouds but thankfully the sun made an appearance!



Creative Kiki Chameleon: Congratulations Emilia! You have blown me away with your creative writing this week. You had such fantastic ideas in Read Write Inc and wrote with such focus and determination. I am incredibly proud of you Emilia, well done!

Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: Congratulations Isaac! Your enthusiasm and determination has really inspired me this week. I have loved seeing your face light up with each achievement. Thank you for making us all excited about learning! Keep up this wonderful enthusiasm and always believe in yourself; well done Isaac!

Year 1’s Mission!

Over the last few weeks, each year group has been thinking of how we can make our playground even more exciting and have been tasked with suggesting a new feature for our trim trial. In a bid to get the most votes, each class has also created their own video. Here is Year 1’s ‘Maze Mission’, we hope you enjoy it!


  • It has been lovely to have begun meeting some grown ups during school pick up and I look forward to getting to know you all over the next few weeks. If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to email me s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

    Thank you for your support and we hope you and your families have a safe and relaxing half term,

Mrs Hartley and the Year 1 Team