“ Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.”

As we come to the end of our Spring term, it is a wonderful opportunity to take a moment to reflect on the children’s learning journey and how much they have achieved already.

They have been adventurous astronauts, weather reporters, gardeners, mathematicians, creative writers and much much more!
But most of all, they have been ambitious, enthusiastic, loving and kind.

Year 1 we are so proud of how much you achieve each day and how you always show kindness in everything you do. You have all worked so hard this term and certainly deserve a good rest during the Easter break.

Rest, read, play and have fun! I look forward to seeing you after the holidays for our next learning adventure!

What have we been learning this week?

In Maths this week we have been exploring time. We began by thinking about the words before and after and used these words to sequence events. We moved on to days of the weeks, months of the year and used a calendar to talk about dates and events. Mrs Hartley was really sneaky and kept mixing up the days of the week on our display but year 1’s eagle eyes spotted it straight away! Then we had a closer look at a clock and began exploring time to the hour, time to the half hour and used a clock to show these times.

In English we have had great fun innovating The Tale of the Radish Robber. We have been such creative writers this week and thought of our own characters, vegetables and ways to escape from Mr McGregor’s garden. Thankfully, all of the characters made it out of the garden safely and none were put into a pie!

In RE, Year 1 were truly moved when they watched Year 2’s ‘Palm Sunday’ assembly and they are already excited for their turn next year. The assembly inspired us to have a moment of reflection in our school chapel and to think about the great sacrifice Jesus made for us. We wrote about Jesus’s journey and the children posed some very thoughtful and wondering questions.



Determined Sadie Spider: Well Done George, L!
George, you have been such a determined learner and this term you have really thought about how you can make your writing even better. You have taken your time with your handwriting and its been so inspiring to watch you set yourself a goal and to see how proud you are with your achievements.
Always believe in yourself!

Focused Cooper Crab: Well Done Louie!

Louie, you have been so focused during our English lessons and have really taken your time with your writing. It has been wonderful to see your face light up when you see just how much you can achieve.
Keep up this fantastic focus and always believe in yourself!


  • Next term the children will need to wear their PE kits on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

  • Please find information regarding Food Tech in your child’s reading folder.

  • As always, if you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to email me s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

    Wishing you all a wonderful Easter,

Mrs Hartley and the Year 1 Team