“What we have to learn to do, we learn by doing”.

Team work makes the dream work!

This week, Year 1 have enjoyed pairing up with Year 2 during the morning’s and have enjoyed some continuous provision in our fantastic indoor and outdoor classrooms.
We have been working as a team to explore, investigate and problem solve.
I think I will let the pictures do the talking this week…!

What have we been learning this week?

In Maths, we have been exploring Fractions. We discovered that when we split a whole object into two parts we could show a half and when we split the whole object into four parts we could show quarters. Through investigations we discovered that it is really important to be accurate because the parts must be equal.

In RE, we continued to think about how the disciples might have felt when Jesus appeared to them in the Upper Room. We thought they might be delighted, confused, unsure and curious. We thought of some curious ‘wondering’ questions that the disciples might have asked Jesus.

In Geography, we have continued with our ‘At the Farm’ theme and have been exploring the different physical and human features of a farm. We continued to think about the different types of farms and also thought about what might happen on the farm during different seasons.



Determined Sadie Spider: Well Done Nathan!
Nathan you have such a positive and determined attitude towards learning; you are not afraid to set yourself a challenge and are determined to keep growing your brain. Your determination is inspiring and it has been wonderful to see how proud you are when you see what you can achieve!

Co-operative Roger Robin : Well Done Heath!
Heath, you have such a kind and caring heart. You are always looking out for your classmates; comforting them if they are sad and celebrating their achievements with pride. Thank you for being such a caring friend to everyone in the classroom!

Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee

Just a little reminder that on June 8th we are celebrating in style with a Red White and Blue Day. At lunch time we will enjoy a whole school picnic outside on the field (let’s pray for a sunny day!). Jacqui, our school cook, has ordered special lunchboxes which will be filled with a picnic feast. If your child already has school lunches, you need to do nothing. However, if your child normally brings their own packed lunch, you can order a special picnic box by pressing here and completing a form. This must be paid for in advance on ParentPay at a cost of £2.35.

Forms need to be completed by 8pm on Friday 13th May.


  • This term the children will need to wear their PE kits on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

  • As always, if you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to email me s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

  • Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Hartley and the Year 1 Team