‘You can’t use up creativity. The more you use the more you have.’

Despite feeling under the weather myself this week, Miss Bassett has loved spending extra special time with the children and I’ve heard wonderful things about how hard they have been working.


What have we been learning this week?

In English, the children have been writing full-steam ahead about trains. They were excited to hear that Cbeebies had requested their help in developing a new tv show for children, ‘All about Trains’. The children had great fun writing creative and wonderful facts all about trains! The way they wrote for the 'audience’ (other children), was so impressive and engaging.

In Maths this week, the children have been identifying and counting coins.

In RE we learned about how Jesus helped a paralysed man. The children have really enjoyed learning about miracles and are amazed by the power God gave Jesus on Earth.

In History we have learned what happened during the Great Fire of London and how we know. The children have enjoyed playing this game in class. I promised I would put it on the blog so they could have a go at home too. You can access the game by clicking on the image.



Resilient Sadie Spider: For being a determined learner. Lily, you have been such a resilient learner this week! Even when you have found learning tricky, you have taken a deep breath and carried on with a smile. When you are resilient you brain grows even bigger! I am so proud of you Lily!

Curious Clara Clownfish: For asking curious questions and making links in History! Seth, I was so impressed when you told me all about the effect the drought and the wind had on the great fire! You have been inquisitive when looking at sources and have used the evidence to understand what happened, just like a big historical jigsaw! Well done Seth!


  • Please can all children bring a bottle of water and a sun hat to school everyday.

God Bless and have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Lane and the Year 1 Team