‘Thank you Lord for the gift of faith and for allowing me to see Your miracles.’

We’ve had another busy week in Year 1 and have had so much fun growing our brains. I can hardly believe we only have two more weeks of school - we are going to be making the most of every moment together!

What have we been learning this week?

In English, the children have written instructions on how to catch a train and have gone on to write a descriptive piece, all about their own train.

In Maths this week, the children have been learning about time and have been thinking about before and after, as well as dates. We’ll be getting the clocks out next week, how exciting!

In RE we learned about how Jesus healed a blind man. With their learning partner, the children then retold the story and reflected on this wonderful miracle.

In History we have thought about how the fire spread so quickly. There are some brilliant historians in Year 1 and I was so impressed when they considered the impact, each contributing factor had on the spread of the fire.



Cooperative Roger Robin: For being such a considerate learner. Sean, you have been so supportive of your class friends this week and worked beautifully in a group during history. Thank you for being such a positive role model in our class Sean - you are a Superstar!

Curious Clara Clownfish: For asking inquisitive questions and making links in History! Rory, you thought deeply about how the fire spread so quickly. You were able to consider which factors had a greater impact and used fantastic terminology when explaining your thinking. You are a fantastic historian Rory, keep being curious!

I have no notices this week, other than I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

God Bless,

Miss Lane and the Year 1 Team