‘Take pride in how far you have come and have faith in how far you can go.’

Each week, Reception leave us with a huge sense of pride but this week has been extra special…
From our first class assembly on Tuesday, to our first class trip on Friday, Reception have shown us just how far they have come since September and we are well and truly bursting with pride!

On Tuesday, they spoke with such passion and enthusiasm in their assembly and I know they were so excited to show families, friends and the whole school just how much they have learnt. Learning to read and write are huge milestones and they have approached this with fabulous enthusiasm. They look forward to our daily Maths sessions, getting speedier with their number bonds and subitising every day; but the most wonderful thing to see is how they respect and care for one another and how they are growing in confidence each day - they really do work as a team!

Today, we enjoyed our class trip to Fairhaven Lake and the fabulous Fylde Ranges Josette and Fraser were so impressed with how much the children already knew about water, lakes and rivers. We had a very busy day with a parachute lake, river and estuaries game before moving on to the beach where we used natural materials to create our own sea creatures. I wonder if you can find the dogtooth shark, jellyfish, star fish, stingray or crab in our pictures below! After all of that learning we were ready for our picnic before returning to school on the bus. We had tired legs, big smiles and happy tummies after the ice creams!

A very special thank you to Fraser and Josette, the Fylde Rangers for all of the exciting activities that they have delivered in school and at Fairhaven Lake today. Reception are thrilled to have become Junior Rangers!

Reception’s Trip to Fairhaven Lake

Did you know we can double…

When we asked Reception which part of their class assembly they would like to share, the answer was unanimous! So without further ado, here is the doubles song!

Let’s Celebrate!

Congratulations to all of our Reception children who proudly received their Junior Ranger certificates today. You have worked so hard over the last few weeks and have really shown that you know how to look after and care for our local environment.
We will keep you updated with the Rangers posters which will be popping up around St Annes soon!

Important Notices & Polite Reminders:

  • A very big thank you for all of the wonderful water facts! They are incredible and it is lovely to see how the children have enjoyed sharing this with families at home. We are looking forward to sharing our knowledge next week.

  • On Friday 5th May the school will be joining together to have a picnic in celebration of King Charles’s coronation. It will be a royal day and the children can come to school dressed as kings, queens, princes and princesses! We can’t wait to celebrate all together as a school family.

    As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Have a love weekend,
God Bless.

The Reception Team