'As soon as I saw you I knew a grand adventure was about to happen!'

The classroom has certainly come back to life this week as we have welcomed our wonderful Reception children into school for the start of what we can already tell is going to be a magical year!

The first day of school is such a special milestone and it is a privilege for us - the Reception team - to be part of this journey. We have been so impressed with how the children have started to settle in; with the enthusiasm they have shown towards this next adventure and how they are already treating each other with kindness and compassion. Grown up’s, I’m sure you are feeling incredibly proud too!

What have we been learning this week…

This week, our focus has been on ensuring that the children feel safe, settled and happy in their new class. We have been learning our new routines, expectations and exploring our exciting environment. We have introduced some of our school Learning Characters which has helped us to think about how we can work as a team, look after our classroom and be creative. You can find more information about our learning characters below.

Here are some pictures from a very successful first week of school.
We hope you enjoy looking through them together!

This weeks’ learning characters…

Across school, our learning characters are used to help develop children’s growth mindset and to encourage positivity. This week, we have met three of the learning characters and as a class we talked about how we can try and be like these characters and why it is important.

The learning characters have been hugely successful across school, with children referring to them independently and building their confidence on a daily basis.

Important reminders:

  • Phased start (morning or afternoon session) will continue for Reception week beginning 11/9/23 - 15/9/23. Full days start from 18/9/23.

  • Children need to bring a water bottle to school each day. This can be refilled in school as and when needed.

  • Polite reminder to please send photographs of the adults that are permitted to collect your child from school to Mrs Hartley if you have not done so already. These can be sent via email (see below). This is greatly appreciated - thank you!

    If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Hartley

Have a wonderful weekend
God Bless,

The Reception team