'Alone we can do a little, together we can do so much'

What have we been learning this week…

Phonics: This week we have learnt to read and write the sounds t, i, n and p. We were determined Sadie spiders when writing the letters and thought carefully about our letter formation. When we were saying these sounds, we were careful to make a soft sound (not adding ‘uh’ to the end). We have thought of so many words that begin with these sounds and have already filled some of the pages of Fred’s book.
Reception, your challenge over the weekend is to think of some more words that begin with these letter sounds. We will add them to our book on Monday!

Communication and language: This week we read the colour monster and discussed the different feelings and emotions that the colour monster experienced. We learnt the makaton signs (sign language) for sad, happy, scared, calm, confused, angry and love. Reception, can you teach your grown ups the Makaton signs at home?

KidSafe - This week our KidSafe focus has been feelings. We discussed a range of feelings such as happy, excited, sad, worried, scared, confused and angry and what can make us have those feelings and how we notice if someone else is feeling that way. The main focus of this lesson was to make sure we speak to our trusted grown up if we ever have ‘yukky’ feelings such as sad, worried, scared, angry or confused. Please see the letter below for more information.

Autumn Harvest

We have already received so many generous donations, thank you very much!

Harvest is a time where we reflect on God’s creation and give thanks for everything that he has provided for us. As part of our celebrations across school, we will be collecting food which will be donated to Fylde Foodbank. Reception have been asked to collect soup (tinned or packet). There is still time to send in donations.
Thank you in advance for your support.

Parents Meetings

Parents meetings will take place on Friday 20th October. These will be held virtually and will be a chance to talk about how your child has settled into school, what learning they have been enjoying so far and it will be an opportunity for you to ask any questions that you might have. Appointment slots for these meetings will be bookable via Mrs Gregan’s newsletter.

Let’s Celebrate…

Each week children across the school are celebrated for demonstrating our learning characters and our school virtues. They are celebrated in class and in our Friday assemblies.

Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: Alex!
Alex, it’s lovely to see how much you are enjoying the start of your learning journey and we were particularly impressed by your enthusiasm for reading! We noticed what an enthusiastic reader you have been and we can see that you are going to enjoy sharing stories and learning to read! Keep up this brilliant enthusiasm.
Well done Alex!

Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: Arya!
Arya, your genuine love of learning and growing your brain is inspiring. Each day you arrive with a beaming smile and with bundles of enthusiasm ready for a new day of learning, It is lovely to see how much you are enjoying your Reception journey. Keep up this fantastic enthusiasm; you have such an exciting learning adventure ahead!
Well done Arya!

Whole School Virtue - Active: Jaxon!
Jaxon, each day you actively think about good choices that not only help you, but that help those around you. You are always ready to learn and show respect towards your peers. Thank you for being such a fabulous role model for our school; I know you’re going to be a brilliant class councilor this year!
Well done Jaxon!

Important reminders:

  • Children need to bring a warm coat to school each day. The weather is becoming a little cooler but outdoor play is a huge part of learning in Reception so we do like to go out as much as possible.

    If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Hartley

Have a wonderful weekend
God Bless,
The Reception team