What a busy week we have had! In RE this week, we have been thinking about trusting in God. We have reflected on the trust that Zechariah lacked when the Angel Gabriel visited him and the great trust Mary showed when she was told by the same angel about her special baby. Also, we have thought about the person, Joseph and how he must have reassured her, showing such great faith. In our worship this week, we have thought about the above quote - how can we be ready for Jesus? How can we follow God’s ways in our actions, words, choices and prayers?
In maths this week we have deepened our understanding of place value with 4 digit numbers. We have been adding and subtracting over the 1000 boundary and have moved beyond 1000, counting how many hundreds are in larger numbers
In history this week, we have learned all about the everyday life of Ancient Egyptians by using evidence discovered. We solved a tomb mystery, giving stolen grave items back to their original (dead) owners and studied a beautiful wall painting to see what we could infer about Egyptian life - thinking like historians!
This week, we sadly say goodbye to our classroom assistant Mrs Grey. You have been a valued and loved member of our team. We wish you well in your new venture!
Here are some pictures of us at worship, work and play:
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, we have three Sadie Spiders for Amelia, Gus and Matilda. We have been on the lookout for children who show great resilience to manage their feelings and distractions. You three children are proving to be so hard-working and SO determined to do well, no matter what is happening within or around you. That is RESILIENCE! Well done superstars!
Faith-Filled and Hopeful butterflies
This half term, our virtues are ‘Faith-filled and hopeful.’ This week we thank Isioma for being so faith-filled AND hopeful! You are always so joyful and you are always so reverent, peaceful and still when in worship
Reading targets
Well done to Teddy who has already met his reading target this half term! FANTASTIC! Everyone else - keep going. Many of you are almost there!
Other stars!
PE stars
Swimming stars:
Music stars:
Parish Pantomine - Children are lucky to be going to watch Dick Whittington at the parish centre on Friday 1st December. Please pay for this on parentpay - £6
The Great Our Lady Bake off (and Christmas jumper day)- Friday 8th December
On this day, families can bake a cake for an entry fee of £3. Each class will decide on a winner and there is a prize! We will be inviting parents in this afternoon from 2:00-3:00 for coffee and to sample some of the bakes!
Key Stage 2 Nativity Monday 18th December 2pm and 6pm in Our Lady Star of the Sea church
All Key stage 2 children will be taking part in this beautiful event - they have brought home a song booklet this week, which they must keep safe. Please see homework for which songs to learn off by heart each week and keep the booklet safe.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Lyons, Miss Hennessey, Mrs Carter and Mrs Grey