Our focus in RE this week has been about angels, since they seem to feature so much at this time of year. Children had so many questions about angels and spent time wondering about them. We then found evidence from the bible so we could figure out what purposes angels seem to have
In history this week, children proudly showed their amazing pyramids. We had structures you could eat, minecraft creations and some with real treasure. They were stunning! Children asked so many questions too - we did not find all the answers! However, we did discover who built the pyramids - thanks to a builder’s village excavated next to the Great pyramids. It was not as Disney would have us believe in ‘The Prince of Egypt’ film! Ask your children to explain.
In other news, some super problem solving in maths with larger numbers, french we have been learning all about clothing and in English we have studied our fairy tale ‘The Pied Piper,’ learning our own version and now it time to create our own stories.
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, a Sadie Spider certificate goes to Isioma for trying so hard in all she does. You are doing so well! Also a Kiki chameleon/Cooper Crab certificate goes to Grace. You can always be trusted to be ready to learn and you put so much thought into all you do. Well done girls!
Faith-Filled and Hopeful butterflies
This half term, our virtues are ‘Faith-filled and hopeful.’ This week our butterflies are Rory and Tilly for always being such hopeful and kind pupils.
Reading targets
Well done to Amelia, Poppy, John-Paul, Teddy, Ciaran and Tilly who have met their reading target already this half term!!
Other stars!
Swimming stars: Rory, Isioma, Ciaran and Charlotte. Well done!
Music stars: Matilda and Lily
French stars this week are Toby and Charlotte for excellent work!
Christmas cards - Since we are an Eco school, we ask that if children wish to send Christmas cards this year, they just write one for the whole class, which we will put up in our classroom.
First church rehearsal on Wednesday. Please ensure children have coats and a good reading book and water bottle
The Great Our Lady Bake off (and Christmas jumper day)- Friday 8th December
Please bring £1 to wear your Christmas jumper. For an entry fee of £3 you can make a family bake. Each class will decide on a winner and there is a prize! Children can also bring £1 for a nice portion of cake.
We will be inviting parents in this afternoon from 2:00-3:00 for coffee/refreshments and to sample some of the bakes.
Key Stage 2 Nativity Monday 18th December 2pm and 6pm in Our Lady Star of the Sea church
Reminder about water bottles - Please can we ensure that children only have water in their bottles at school rather than juice.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Lyons, Miss Hennessey, Mrs Carter and Mrs Grey