We have had a very active week in Year 4! In our RE this week, we have been reflecting on the bible stories of Jesus as a child and what they tell us about Jesus. We have reflected on the story of John the Baptist. Children have been planning their own worships to deliver in little groups over the next few weeks.
We have launched into our Shakespeare work this week. A lot of our focus has been on ‘building the spirit of our group’ and becoming attune with one another. The children have been outstanding at this! We have now been introduced to the characters in Romeo and Juliet and have started to think about our first (very tense) scene on the streets of Verona. I have added a little video of our action so far.
In mastering number sessions we have been rehearsing the 12x table and have pulled apart the 9x table, finding the easiest way of calculating it. In other maths, we have learned how to round 4 digit numbers to the nearest 1000, 100 and 10.
In our Science lessons, children have thought about gas - is it a state of matter? How do we know it is there? What is its structure?
All children are working so hard and thinking deeply. I know there are many illnesses going around and I hope all poorly children are feeling better. We have missed you all!
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, a Sadie Spider certificate goes to hardworking Jacob. You have been trying so hard in everything you do and being such a super listener. A Bobby Bee certificate goes to enthusiastic Tilly. You are so switched on and are always ready to do your very best!
Eloquent and Truthful butterflies
This half term, our virtues are ‘Eloquent and Truthful.’ This week our butterfly goes to Matilda for keeping the peace and being such a lovely role-model in games
PE stars this week were Joshua, Tommy and Isioma - excellent strength and effort in gymnastics
Lunchtime role model of the week was: Joseph
Marvellous Manners in the hall - Isioma
Swimming stars were all of Miss Hennessey’s group, Isioma and Jacob
Please see below for Holy Communion groups and dates:
Group 1 Saturday 11th May
Ciaran, Jacob, John-Paul, Isioma, Grace, Tommy, Joseph, Toby, Lorenzo, Poppy, Rory, Amelia, Matilda, William
Group 2 Saturday 18th May
Logan, Rose, Seth, William, Charlotte, Daisy, Sean, Tilly, Josh, Lily, Louis, Hugo, Beth, Hudson, Gus
If there are any problems with these dates, please raise early so we can make groups even.
Trip- ‘Cosmetic Chemistry’ 23rd January. Children will be travelling by coach to UCLAN, Preston, where they will take part in a day of Science in the laboratory, linked to our Science topic of solids, liquids and gases. Please pay on Parentpay. Children will need a packed lunch in a plastic bag for this trip unless they are normally school lunch - in which case Jackie will make them one.
Thursday 7th February. We will be going to watch ‘The Lion King’ at St. Bedes.
Wednesday 20th March Shakespeare Playmaking festival at Hodgson High School. All children from Year 4 will be performing scenes from ‘Romeo and Juliet,’ with other local schools. Children will get a coach in the morning and rehearse there all day. They then need to be picked up from Hodgson at 3:00 for an early tea and brought back at 5:00 to Hodgson ready for their performance at 5:30-6:45. I thought I would give you early notice of this. As it stands there may only be space in the Hodgson hall for one paying adult. Tickets are not yet available.
Enjoy your weekend
Mrs Lyons, , Mrs Ely, Miss Hennessey and Mrs Carter