This week, in our worship, our key word has been ‘guidance.’ We have looked at the guidance we have from the bible in the form of the 10 commandments and in Jesus’ new covenant with us - ‘Love one another, as I have loved you.’ Children then used this in their class council session to look at how they can improve lunchtimes. Often during more unstructured times, children’s behaviour can slip and they can forget to be kind or respectful. We came up with class ‘Lunchtime commandments’ which would help us respect and care for everyone.
In English this week, we have immersed ourselves in Brer Rabbit stories. Children have loved finding out about the characters in these stories. They have ranked them in order of smartness and have been learning to figure out the meaning of new words from the context.
In maths we have learned this week clever ways to find the perimeter of rectinlinear shapes, rectangles and regular polygons. We are doing brilliantly and ‘Going for Gold’ with our times tables - our new facts this week were 3x=21 and 6x7=42. We have a song for each key fact learned so far - see if your children can sing them to you! Here is a video below.
In Geography this week, we have started our new topic about mountains, Earthquakes and volcanoes. Children have been excited using atlases to locate the world’s most talked about volcanoes.
Conversation starters
Each week, from now on, we will put a topic for conversation to be had our dinner or on the way to school.
This week in Geography, we began our topic by looking at some of the diverse places that children come from in our class. We searched on google maps to look at places like Portugal, Nigeria, Italy, Ireland and more. Can you chat together about your child’s roots? Can you talk about celebrating diversity and differences in culture, ways of life and expressing oneself?
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, the certificates went to Matilda and Sean. You are both so hardworking and you try so hard to improve. You are lovely learning partners.
Loving and Compassionate butterflies
This half term, our virtues are ‘Loving and Compassionate.’ This week our butterfly went to Tommy for being so loving and always offering help.
Lunchtime role model of the week was: Gus
Marvellous Manners in the hall - Daisy
Swimming stars were Joseph, Teddy and Poppy.
Music Stars: Jacob and Amelia
Wednesday 6th March 9am Year 4 book look in the hall - children are looking forward to showing you their work this term.
Thursday 7th March World book Day. PE uniforms please in the morning as we have swimming. They can bring their costumes to change into. We would also like children to bring in a ‘magical object’ that they could tell a story about. It may be as simple as a feather, pebble or shell, a stick - they can use their imagination about what their special object can do!
Wednesday 13th March and TUESDAY 26th March Year 4 online Parent appointments. Please book a parents appointment on one of these two dates so we can discuss progress and targets. (Not Wednesday 20th March like the other classes)
Wednesday 20th March. Shakespeare performance at Hodgson High School. Please read the blog below carefully and fill in both the online form and the form sent home if you haven’t already done so.
Tuesday 26th March 9:15am Year 4 class Easter assembly on The Garden of Gethsemane
Enjoy your weekend
Mrs Lyons, , Mrs Ely, Miss Hennessey and Mrs Carter