Thank you so much for all your effort in these wonderful costumes for World Book Day! The focus of our day was on telling stories this year. Children had an amazing time telling stories about their object and reciting our class story ‘Brer Fox and the White Plums,’ to their Year 1 friends.
The class are really excelling at their performance of Romeo and Juliet - they are delivering their lines with such power and are such a good team! We have done lots of practice for it this week. We have also learned about the structure of a volcano in our Geography lessons and how they erupt. In maths this week, we have been starting to do some timed tests with our ‘Going for Gold,’ times tables facts. Each day, we get better, We are going into depth now at relationships between the tables in our maths lessons. In English, we have learned how to write similes this week, we have learned what pronouns are and have also learned how to use the apostrophe for possession.
It was lovely to see so many of you at our book look on Wednesday and to see the pride on the children’s faces - they should feel proud, they do so much and are improving every day. There is an alternative date underneath for a quick look, if you could not make it.
Conversation starters
This week in Geography, we learned about volcanoes and how they erupt. Can you talk together about this? We are also learning about rocks in Science. What kind of rocks come from volcanoes? Are any erupting at the moment?
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, the certificates went to William, Isioma and Lily. We have been so impressed with your enthusiasm and determination in all learning - but your acting is really stunning. All three of you have such powerful presences on stage and listen to all my advice. Well done!
Loving and Compassionate butterflies
This half term, our virtues are ‘Loving and Compassionate.’ This week our butterfly went to Gus for just doing things that he saw needed doing for the good of others.
Lunchtime role model of the week was: Teddy
Marvellous Manners in the hall - Hugo
Swimming stars were Lily, Grace, Joseph and Seth
Music Stars:
Tuesday 12th March If you did not see your child’s books on Wednesday and would like to come in class straight after school, please email me so we can gather their books, and this can be arranged.
Thursday 14th March Water Safety week at swimming. Children need to bring pyjamas AND their trunks/swimming costume next week in their swimming bag. No onesies or fluffy pyjamas please.
Wednesday 13th March and TUESDAY 26th March Year 4 online Parent appointments. Please book a parents appointment on one of these two dates so we can discuss progress and targets. (Not Wednesday 20th March like the other classes)
Wednesday 20th March. Shakespeare performance at Hodgson High School. Please read the blog below carefully and fill in both the online form and the form sent home if you haven’t already done so.
Tuesday 26th March 9:15am Year 4 class Easter assembly on The Garden of Gethsemane
Wednesday 10th April 9:10am Children will do another performance of their Romeo and Juliet in our school hall for anyone to come and see. We hope lots of you can attend as tickets are so limited for the Hodgson performance.
Enjoy your weekend
Mrs Lyons, , Mrs Ely, Miss Hennessey and Mrs Carter