What an exciting week we have had in Year 4! In our RE this week, we have been spending time thinking about Jesus, Our Saviour. We have looked at the evidence that Jesus is both truly human, feeling human emotions and truly God, being all powerful. This has helped us reflect on events of Holy Week, especially the story of the Garden of Gethsemane which our class assembly is based on. We have been practising this story and examining the deep emotions felt by those in the story.
In maths we have been working on understanding the 3x, 6x and 9x tables and how these are linked. Children have been solving two step problems involving 2 operations and have been making the link between multiplication and division. In our English lessons, children have been learning how to write some tricky grammatical sentences and they have invented their own character for their Brer Rabbit story which they will be writing next week. We have learned this week about the structure of the earth. We made it out of a Malteser core, icing sugar mantle and ginger nut crust! Children then wrote an explanation text about the earth’s structure and how volcanoes erupt. This led nicely onto our Science lesson about types of rock and how many rocks come from volcanoes. Not to forget German with Miss Hartley on Monday and an exciting water safety lesson in swimming too.
Conversation starters
This week in Geography, we learned about the structure of the Earth. Why not chat about the ground you walk on. What are the continents? What is underneath the solid rock of land? We have also been learning about rock types. What are igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rock?
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, three double whammy Lizzie Ladybird/Sadie Spider certificates went to Teddy and Gus. Teddy I am so proud of how hard you are working to improve on things. Your handwriting is beautiful! Gus, you are striving to improve and your Geography work was superb this week. Hudson, you are impressing me with your kindness, your effort with handwriting and your listening skills. Well done!
Loving and Compassionate butterflies
This half term, our virtues are ‘Loving and Compassionate.’ This week our butterfly went to Ciaran for always noticing when others need a kind word or a helping hand
Lunchtime role model of the week was: Rory
Marvellous Manners in the hall - Poppy
Swimming stars were Josh, Teddy and Matilda for great listening and participation in water safety.
Music Stars: Finley and Isioma
GOING GREEN! These children have been awarded their going green certificate for having completely green heatmaps - meaning they have mastered their times tables!
Charlotte, Ciaran, John-Paul, Louis, Rose, Teddy and Matilda
Well done!
Wednesday 20th March. Shakespeare performance at Hodgson High School - children have worked so hard for this! They will need a packed lunch, snack and water bottle. They can bring a bag with their reading book, drawing or colouring books or puzzle books, felt tips. No devices or electronics and nothing breakable. Please could you ensure children are wearing full school uniform (not PE) except for Romeo and Juliet who can come dressed in black.
Please make sure you are prompt to pick up at 3:00 and drop off at 5:00 at Hodgson High School.
Thursday, 21st March, the children will celebrate their First Reconciliation at 6pm in church. Please wear school uniform (not PE). Children will sit at the front of church and will need to be there at 5:45pm
TUESDAY 26th March Year 4 online Parent appointments.
Tuesday 26th March 9:15am Year 4 class Easter assembly on The Garden of Gethsemane
Wednesday 10th April 9:10am Children will do another performance of their Romeo and Juliet in our school hall for anyone to come and see. We hope lots of you can attend as tickets are so limited for the Hodgson performance.
Enjoy your weekend
Mrs Lyons, , Mrs Ely, Miss Hennessey and Mrs Carter