Year 1 Weekly Blog 17.5.24 'May your faith be unwavering, your determination unyielding, and your dreams unstoppable.'

'May your faith be unwavering, your determination unyielding, and your dreams unstoppable.'

Rachel Hollis

How quickly the week has gone, sunshine and showers have passed our way and we have had another very busy week.

In RE we have continued our reflection from the Easter story to the Pentecost. I was really impressed on how much the children could remember and how much detail they gave.

We looked at how the Pentecost was celebrated around the world. In Italy rose petals are dropped down from the ceiling like the flames of the Holy Spirit. We looked at how the Holy Spirit has been portrayed by different artists.

Conversation Starter

Each week I will give you a question that I would like you to think about and discuss together at home. This could be over dinner time as a family, at bedtime, on a walk or even in the car. However you choose to discuss this question is up to you, but the idea is that it will help to give an insight in to what we talk about in school, help children to understand more about themselves or others.

What happened to the Apostles after receiving the Holy Spirit?

What have we been learning this week……

In English we have written our outcome 2, which is our innovated Peter Rabbit story. We changed the main character, the vegetable and some of us even changed the character of Mr McGregor. We are becoming very speedy writers with lots of great ideas. We are looking forward to marking our own work next week.

Maths has been challenging, we have been looking at the commutative property of addition: changing the order of addends does not change the sum. For example 5 + 2 = 2+5 At first we thought it should be 7 but after lots of thinking  and practice we were able to understand this concept. We have looked at 3D shapes. Next week we will be practising our speed on ourr number bonds to 10, this will help us with our work, can you practise at home?

In DT we enjoyed making our smoothies using our research from last week. We chopped up the fruit, squeezed lemons, limes and oranges and selected our own fruits. We couldn’t believe how loud the blender was! Most of us thought hat they tasted delicious, I was very proud that we all tried our smoothies. We will evaluate our smoothies next week.

We enjoyed a longer golden time today as we had a lot to do to make our smoothies, the children were very sensible and had fun selecting their fruits and juice for their smoothies. This week our Vincent Van Gogh picture was Olive Trees we used water colour pencils to create our beautiful artwork.

Science: We have started to noticed that out peas are beginning to grow and some of the sunflowers are too!

In computing we have been putting clip art into cells on 2 calculate.  We made a zoo learning how to put different animals in the cell with colours around them, we learnt how to move the animals around and how to delete them.

We loved our Music session with Miss Bassett, we worked in groups composed our own songs!

We loved coming in our green clothes today for our green day thank you for your donations, this money will help us look after our school ground. The Year 1 children have loved gardening club on Wednesday lunchtime.

We have had lots of phonics screening practice this week. We have enjoyed playing phonics games, looking for special friends, Fred talk and read the work. I have made some phonics packs for you all to practice at home. There will be more information on the homework blog.

Let’s Celebrate:

Lunchtime awards:

Well done to our Role Model Toby and Arthur for his Marvellous Manners.

Well done to our certificate awardees: two ‘Booby Bees’ for his enthusiasm for their learning we have been very impressed with your hard work.

This person is taking Henry home for a brilliant week, you have been a shining light for others this week too, well done.

Well done to these children: bronze, sliver and gold! I know there are lots that are very close, don’t forget to sign in their books. Please keep reading as much as possible lots of children have not read this week, it important that reading is a priority at home as our Phonics screening is in a few weeks (WB 10th June).

Upcoming dates and Reminders:

Ridgeway Farm

At last our trip is next week the children are very excited! Please remember to bring a packed lunch if you said you would and adult helpers too! Lets hope the weather is good. Children can come in non school uniform, suitable clothes for the weather as we will be outside all day.

The cost of the trip will be £15, this is on parent pay.

  • As the weather is getting warmer, please can you ensure your child is wearing suncream. Please can you bring in a named roller suncream into school so the children can apply it themselves while supervised at lunchtime.

  • Please can you bring in water bottles every day and remember to bring in reading folders so we can quiz and change books.

  • Please can you ensure football/pokemon cards do not come into school. There are lots being passed around and brought out in the classroom, they are best staying at home so they don’t go missing, thank you.

  • Polite reminder that all children across school should bring water in their bottles and not juice. This is something that we discuss regularly in school as part of our discussions about healthy snacks and healthy lunches. Please can you bring in healthy snacks please refer to the poster for suitable snack, we always have fruit avalible too.

  • Please can you bring/keep spare uniform in bags, as the weather has been wet recently, children have fallen over in puddles and it can sometimes be tricky finding spare uniform for them in the right size.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me at:

Thank you for all of your support 

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Mrs Carragher and Mrs Davis