Year 1 Weekly Blog 24.5.24 'All things bright and beautiful , All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful, The Lord God that made them all‘

'All things bright and beautiful , All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful, The Lord God that made them all‘

Cecil Francis Alexander

It’s been another busy week, I can’t believe it is the end of Summer 1! Today we break up for a well-earned holiday, I know that lots of you have some lovely things planned.

This week in RE we learnt that the mission of the church began at Pentecost and the mission of the church today carries on all over the world. We discussed how we pray, share and help others.

Today Diane from CAFOD came to talk to us about how the money we raise helps others, we had a whole school assembly. Then she came to our class, we discussed how we can make the world a better place, the children sat beautifully and thought carefull about how they could make the world a better place.

What have we been learning this week……

On Tuesday we had our school trip to Ridgeway Farm. We were so lucky with the weather. it was such a lovely day.  A big thank you to our helpers, we would not have been able to do the trip without you.

We loved feeding the animals especially the rhea’s. We learnt about daily life on the farm and how to look after the animals. We found out what happens on the farm during the different seasons.

On Wednesday we used out trip for our Geography work. We explored human and physical features on Ridgeway farm. We made fact files about three different types of farm , dairy, arable and livestock and we reflected what happens in each season on the farm.

I made a video of our farm visit the children have loved watching it in class.

 Conversation Starter

Each week I will give you a question that I would like you to think about and discuss together at home. This could be over dinner time as a family, at bedtime, on a walk or even in the car. However you choose to discuss this question is up to you, but the idea is that it will help to give an insight in to what we talk about in school, help children to understand more about themselves or others.

If you had a farm, what animals would you keep and why?

In Maths we have looked at cherry diagrams and bar charts up to 10 and wrote our own equations. We told our own first then and now stories with our partners and wrote the equations to match.

DT: we evaluated our smoothies, some children said they would swap their fruits, or add more juice. Others loved theirs and didn’t think they needed to change anything.

On Thursday afternoon and today we created our own Vincent Van Gogh inspired artwork, we voted for our favourite pictures then recreated them using, water colours, paint, crayons, oil pastels and on Purple Mash paint. They are brilliant!

In Science our sunflowers grew well and we were excited to take them home. We finished our sunflower and pea diaries about how they have grown since we planed the seeds.

In PE we have been preparing  for sports day, we love racing each other and  are looking forward to practicing more after half term. Our Sports Day will take place on Wednesday 19th June fingers crossed for a lovely day.

Let’s Celebrate:

Lunchtime awards:

Well done to our Role Model Rhys and Evana for her Marvellous Manners.

Well done to our certificate awardees: this term the children voted for the child who they felt were involved in lessons and responding well in class. It was lovely to read all the lovely comments about different children and we agreed with the winners :).

This person is taking Henry home for having a brillaint week, this was another name that came up a few times from other children who had noticed her hard work in school.

Well done to these children: Silver, Gold and Platinum! I know there are lots that are very close, don’t forget to sign in their books.

Please keep reading as much as possible lots of children have not read this week, it important that reading is a priority at home as our Phonics screening is in a few weeks (WB 10th June).

Upcoming dates and Reminders:

  • As the weather is getting warmer, please can you ensure your child is wearing suncream. Please can you bring in a named roller suncream into school so the children can apply it themselves while supervised at lunchtime.

  • Sports Day is on Wednesday 19th June at 2pm.

  • Please can you bring in water bottles every day and remember to bring in reading folders so we can quiz and change books.

  • Please can you ensure football/pokemon cards do not come into school. There are lots being passed around and brought out in the classroom, they are best staying at home so they don’t go missing, thank you.

  • Polite reminder that all children across school should bring water in their bottles and not juice. This is something that we discuss regularly in school as part of our discussions about healthy snacks and healthy lunches. Please can you bring in healthy snacks please refer to the poster for suitable snack, we always have fruit avalible too.

  • Please can you bring/keep spare uniform in bags, as the weather has been wet recently, children have fallen over in puddles and it can sometimes be tricky finding spare uniform for them in the right size.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me at:

Thank you for all of your support 

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Mrs Carragher and Mrs Davis