Year 1 Weekly Blog 5.7.24 'Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible.’

‘Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible.’

Audrey Hepburn

Another week has flown by, I can’t believe we only have two more weeks! We had a lovely start to our day in RE by learning about Pauline Jaricot and how she helped raise money for lots of children around the world with the one penny mission. She also planned to say the Rosary with others, this spread all over the world and became a living Rosary.

We thought of someone we would like tonpray for and added our leaves to our tree of peace, and made our own Rosary bracelets so we could all pray the Rosary together.

What have we been learning this week……

PE: This week we played rounders, we practiced hitting the ball and we turn turns being a fielder and back stop.

On Wednesday we went into Year 2 with Mrs Hotchkiss we loved meeting her and seeing our new classroom, we are looking foward to Year 2. 

Conversation Starter

What did you do with Mrs Hotchkiss on Wednesday?

English: We have retold orally and rewritten ‘The Caveman Next Door’ wow I was very impressed with our sentences we have started to innovate our story too, ready for next week.

Computing with Miss Bassett: We decorated gingerbread men and followed more instructions.

Music with Miss Lavelle: this week we have been thinking about the Texture and Structure of music.

Texture – is the layers within the music (music with lots of layers of sound would be described as thick)

Structure – how the music is organised into sections (we thought of this like the different parts of a story.

To understand further we listened to the Wellerman song, thinking about the layers and repetition or change in tune and words of the verses and chorus. We used the Claves when the verse was playing to represent one voice and the other instruments joined during the chorus to represent the harmonising voices.

 Year One have impressed me so much with their knowledge and understanding of the musical vocabulary over the last few weeks. We made a video to show you the actions that help us remember the meaning of each word; this helps us apply our knowledge when we hear different types of music.

Watch our video- VOCAB WITH ACTIONS

Farmers Market: On Thursday we spoke to the stall holders at the farmers market, we found out where their produce had come from. There were lots of different farms, you can visit in August if you are free.

Let’s Celebrate:

Lunchtime awards:

Well done to our Role Model Toby and Olivia He for her Marvellous Manners.

Well done to our certificate awardees: two ‘Lizzie Ladybirds’ for challenging themselves with their English writing this week.

This person is taking Henry home for a brilliant week you have worked so hard well done :)

Well done to these children: We had Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Emerald and Ruby! I know there are lots that are very close, don’t forget to sign in their books.


Our library trip has changed to Wednesday, please bring in your library cards to take a book home Wednesday 10th July leaving school at around 1:45 back by hometime.

Upcoming dates and Reminders:

  • As the weather is so unpredictable. Please can you bring in a named roller suncream into school so the children can apply it themselves while supervised at lunchtime and a rain coat just incase it rains.

  • Please can you bring in water bottles every day and remember to bring in reading folders so we can quiz and change books.

  • Please can you ensure football/pokemon cards do not come into school. There are lots being passed around and brought out in the classroom, they are best staying at home so they don’t go missing, thank you.

  • Polite reminder that all children across school should bring water in their bottles and not juice. This is something that we discuss regularly in school as part of our discussions about healthy snacks and healthy lunches. Please can you bring in healthy snacks please refer to the poster for suitable snack, we always have fruit avalible too.

    If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me at:

Thank you for all of your support 

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Mrs Carragher and Mrs Davis