It is a busy weekend for half of you. Therefore homework is cut down.
Please complete the sheet given and stick in your homework books, adding the prefixes in, im, il and ir. Then write the new meaning of the word. The rules are:
If the root word starts with l (eg literate) add il (illiterate)
If the word starts with r, (eg responsible) add ir (irresposible)
If the root word begins with an m or a p, (eg mature, patient) add im (impatient, immature)
Keep up with TT Rockstars each day 5-10 mins in the garage. Practice multiplication calculations using our bingo game. Parents, you could give them some calculations they find tricky to solve in their homework books.
I have set you all manageable reading targets this half term. Two children have met them already. Please curl up and enjoy your reading book.