TTROCKSTARS 5 minutes per day in Garage
How are you doing with your target this half term? Read as much as you can this week.
We have now done the whole story of Romeo and Juliet. There is a great video below to help you.
Pick your favourite part of the story and draw and colour it using a page of your homework book. Can you remember and copy a line from the scene?
Eg ‘Do you bite your thumb at me sir? “Peace- I hate the word - as I hate hell and all Montagues,” “Do not swear by the moon, the inconstant moon…”
Group 1: First practise the spellings below and complete quiz in purple mash
arrive, breath, breathe, often, popular, eight, eighth, height, high, circle, fruit, guard
measure, treasure, pleasure
Group 2 First practise the spellings below and complete quiz in purple mash
walk, talk, all, fall
by, no , go, said, like, you, your, of, so, off, his, her