Year 6 Remote Learning - Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Good morning Year 6. We are at the half way point of the week. Have you found out about your new high schools yet?

Here is our weekly overview and our timetable for today.

Timetable 5.PNG

All about Skellig - TWO DAY WRITING TASK.

Today you are going to start writing your non-chronological report on SKELLIG. I think you gathered enough content yesterday to be able to write about this fascinating character.

The format will follow the same format as the owl non-chronological report. Use the information that you gathered, the sentence openers that you have already collected and write me a fascinating non-chronological report on SKELLIG.

Look back at all of the language that you gathered for your last non-chronological report. You will need it in this piece.

The link below will take you to some excellent examples of the owl non-chronological reports, what can you magpie for your writing?

Spelling - ible and -able

Week 4.PNG

Here are your spellings for this week. Same process as last week:

Wednesday - dictation task

Friday - spelling quiz.

MATHS - Area and perimeter CONSOLIDATION DAY.


On a Wednesday, we stop and pause. Let’s consolidate on our work so far. Some of the IXL is tricky today, just try your very best, that is all that I can ask. I will be keeping an eye on IXL live classroom so I can see you working.

I will send you a message if I spot you

  1. Times Table Rockstars

  2. IXL CC.7 and CC.8

Science - The Respiratory System

How is oxygen transported around the body?

Today we will link the respiratory system and the circulation system together and find out how the oxygen that we breathe in is then transported around the body.

Watch the lesson above, stopping and starting to complete the work that you have been asked to do.

I have set you the work via PURPLE MASH, see how you get on and hand in the work when you have finished.


Don’t forget to bring it into school with you.